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wen ning is the erogamer
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Nie Huaisang is very nice to cuddle. "Do you have plans after Pittsburgh, or are you just taking things as they come?"


"I've got Fur-Eh after Pittsburgh-- it's in Canada-- and then I might go to a con in Germany, might not, depending on how I feel, might just stick around in Canada for CanFurEnce."


It's kind of impressive how much they have trouble.  "I hope you have fun. Or are productive. Whichever one you are aiming for."

He is slowly starting to fall asleep.


"Fun, always."


He laughs, and buried his face into their shoulder. "Fun's good..."


"The purpose of life is to have a good time for as long as possible."


"And if you can make other people happy too, that's even better."


"Sure enough."


Can the snuggles intensify? Experimentation (and more nuzzling) is required. "--Thank you."



And now they will go to sleep.


Sleeping while cuddling Now Huaisang is an objectively High Quality experience.


For the next week, the Manual doesn't much bother him with new quests and instead leaves him to work steadily down his list of currently open quests. 

He gets a steady drip of XP from his naked picture-- ten one day, twenty another-- never very many but always there. Every day, there is at least one person masturbating to a picture of him.  


It's not much, but it's a useful drip feed of xp. (Might even be worth taking more photos, assumimg it doesn't, uh, dilute his audience.)

He keeps working on learning the Speech. Writes a truly ridiculous number of emails trying to find a therapist with openings. Tries to hit two birds with one stone by going to a restaurant by himself and eating a food he hasn't tried before to see if he likes it. (He feels so clever for doing it that way, before realising it was... Just a normal and sensible thing to do.) (Kabak mücveri is tasty.)

The quest with the shortest timeline is Margot's, so it makes sense to prioritise. Over the course of the week, he even comes up with A Plan. isn't a good one, but it sure is plan-shaped.

Step #1: Ask her out for a coffee date. Maybe multiple ones.

Step #2: At some point, try and steer things to one of their homes.

Step #3: Hope she initiates????

He just has to... Ask her out. He can do this. He has slightly above average seductive abilities and is sneaking towards Hollywood level sexy.

He goes to find her during Friday lunch.





"Hi, I was wondering if you would like to maybe possibly get some coffee this weekend?"



"Uh. Sure?"


"Oh, thank you! Would 4pm this Saturday work for you?"


"It seems kind of late for coffee? I'd be up all night."


... That is how linear time works. "Good point-- 1pm?"


"Sure, that would be great."


"Would you be okay with Marty's?"


"Sounds good."


"I'll see you then."

And now he can make a smooth exit to his Decorative HR Station and try not to die of embarassment or visualising the inevitable anti-harrassment training too hard.


He is a magic sex wizard, HR training does not exist for him.


Margot shows up to their coffee date in sweatpants and a oversized pink sweatshirt with a unicorn on it. 

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