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wen ning is the erogamer
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"Besides, I like giving pleasure."


"It's a good thing to like." And one day, when he is confident with his non-toothy oral skills.


Mm neck kisses and ear kisses and playing with Wen Ning's hair.


They certainly put their money where their mouth is. Hair touching is very nice and he's melting a little bit.

Do they like hair touching back?


Abso fucking lutely.

These clothes look nice. They would look nicer in a pile on Wen Ning's floor.


Exposed skin is good. He is very in favour of exposed skin. So very, vary in favour.


So much of Wen Ning to kiss!

Nie Huaisang feels like this is an opportunity to experiment in Lesser Known Erogenous Zones. Such as the back of Wen Ning's knees. Or the inside of his upper arm. Or right down his spine.


...he did not expect his spine to be this sensitive, but empirically it is.


"I could show you why people like teasing."


He does his best to look relaxed and comfortable and like he knows what he's doing and where this is going. "You very much could, if you wanted to."


Well, then, Nie Huaisang is going to very carefully explore the merits of knees and spines and upper arms, not to mention necks and ears and thighs and fingers, and very conspicuously fail to explore the merits of dicks, balls, or assholes.


It's so... nice? Equal parts relaxing and arousing. He's being touched so gently and thoroughly and it's... pleasant.

--if this plan is to get him frustrated, this may be a flaw with it.


If Wen Ning likes having fingers gently traced up his thighs and followed with Nie Huaisang's mouth then who is Nie Huaisang to question this.


He certainly isn't going to complain about it.

...maybe squirm about it a bit, though.


Squirming means it is time for hipbone licking.

It is Known.


He better take notes on it then.


Nie Huaisang pauses and then lightly breathes on Wen Ning's dick, and then goes back to placing lines of kisses along his stomach.


...he may be seeing the merits of teasing now, other than it just feeling nice in the moment. He may be sensitive and innocent, but being breathed on shouldn't feel like that much.


They kiss and touch Wen Ning and then every few minutes or so they interrupt it to kiss his dick, or breathe on it, or do a single long lick from the bottom to the top, and then it's back to sucking on his fingers or nibbling the upper part of his ear.


--yep he's definitely getting the appeal now.

(He's currently on a knife edge between wanting to be touched properly, and wanting this to never stop, and it's a weird sensation.)


What if Nie Huaisang kisses allllllll around his dick and doesn't kiss his dick at all even a little bit. 


They might get an embarassing whimper that leads Wen Ning to clapping a hand over his mouth.

...not that his hand is on his mouth for any particular reason right now, you understand.


No, of course it is not. 

"That's what tying people up is for, or one of the things," Nie Huaisang says, conspicuously not touching Wen Ning's dick. "So there's nothing you can do about it while I'm teasing you."


"I'd just have to-- take it."


"Mhm." They run a finger lightly up Wen Ning's dick. "Another thing that's fun to do is to get someone all worked up and then leave them all desperate and unsatisfied. What do you think of that?"

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