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wen ning is the erogamer
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It's...not ideal, but unfortunately there's not a good way to skip the kind of incompetent phase. (Unless he levels and dumped the points into... ART, probably?)

But he can follow instruction, and that's worth something.


"So, what are you into?"


"--You know the thing where I only started doing fun things very recently?"


"So what you're saying is that you have no idea which end of the rope you'd like to be on."


", uh, literal is this rope?"



He has made a Grave Error somewhere, but he's not sure where. "I, um... kissing is... good?" he says, trying to re-rail this conversation.


"You got sucked off in a dressing room and you don't know what bondage is?!"


"Okay, so, some people like being tied up-- because they like the sensation or aesthetics of rope, or they like feeling out of control, or it's relaxing to know that you don't have to do anything because you can't even move--"


"--right. I, uh, definitely don't know which end of the rope I like."


"Please tell me you know how two people with dicks have sex. --Incidentally, I have a dick, sorry to mislead you if you were expecting different equipment."


"--I know the theory?"


"...explain how you think two people with dicks have sex."


"Uh, there are hands and mouths and anuses, and these can be combined in various fruitful ways with penises?"


"You can also combine mouths and anuses or hands and anuses-- and for that matter mouths and hands but that's not really considered a sex act-- but that is a pretty good summary."


"I'm glad I'm not missing something obvious?"


"Other than the entire world of kink."


"... other than that, yes. Is there anything else of, uh, rope levels of embarassing-not-know?"


"Some people like having power over other people, or having other people have power over them-- giving orders, pretending to force them into sex, that kind of thing. Some people like being hurt or hurting other people, like biting or whipping. Some people like pretending to be something they're not, like an animal or a rock star or a Catholic schoolgirl. Some people like group sex or sex in front of other people. Uh, what else... some people like being teased and then not allowed to come?"


He does his best not to look too cross-eyed taking in this information. "--right."


They kiss his cheek. "Right now I'm going to make out with you, and then I can blow you or give you a handjob or you can fuck me in the ass."


"I mean, I could be-- reciprocal. If you prefer."


"I don't especially want a toothy blowjob and I somehow sense you have never put your fingers in your butt before."


"--That's fair."

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