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wen ning is the erogamer
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"There'd be nothing I could do about it. Hypothetically." Which is as close to saying what he actually thinks about it as he can get.


"I wonder if I should be nice today or mean. I was very nice to you earlier..."

A spell family has been created by a special action! Ferocious teasing by Nie Huaisang has unlocked the spell family Edge Riding. 
Manual // Spell // Edge Riding

This spell allows you to stay near orgasm without going over. Go as near orgasm as you are ordered. Stay there. Drop down. Back up. Right to the ultimate edge. Down slowly, up slowly. Good Boy. Now repeat that until you're told to stop. In its ultimate form, this skill becomes the final mastery and control of your own distance from orgasm. 

Edge Self: When invoked, no matter what happens, you will not be able to come for the next minute. (This spell may be cast by thinking the relevant words in the Speech. Try not to think them by accident.)

"It would only be fair to let you be mean now."


"Maybe I'm just a kind and generous person." Another finger along Wen Ning's dick. 


"You are a ridiculously generous person," he says, with great appreciation. "I only had to ask--"


"I don't suppose you've heard of ruined orgasms." They lightly trace a zig-zag pattern on Wen Ning's dick. 


"I haven't come across those yet." It is surprisingly difficult to concentrate.


"If I get you up to the point of no return and then take my hand away"-- they do so-- "you'll still come. Just in a way that's frustrating and unsatisfying and leaves you craving more. You can get male multiple orgasms that way."


That seems... biologically implausible, but what does he know? "That sounds... interesting."


"But I've got to say I think I want to get fucked tonight."


"I could-- help with that." (SED 11 should be making this easier goddamnit.)


"Lube and a condom?"


... He should have thought this through more. "--I could go find some?"


"Like, in your dresser drawer, or at the store."


"...the store."


All right his dick is now down Nie Huaisang's throat instead.


He is going to make it up to them sometime. When he has both lube and condoms and evidence that he can actually give good oral.

"--Sorry about that. And thank you?"


"No apologizing while your dick's in my mouth."


"I solemnly swear not to do that."

Hair petting is allowed?


Hair-petting is encouraged!

Nie Huaisang continues to be phenomenal at sucking dick. 


They really are very good.

And it is very nice of them to let him pet their hair. It is quality hair and also he wouldn't know what to do otherwise.


He is supposed to lie back and enjoy getting his dick sucked. 


Yes, but-- Nie Huaisang is definitely getting something out of this, but this doesn't feel fair?

Hair petting is at least working towards leveling things out.


Sex is not supposed to be fair, actually. 

It is almost as if some cosmic entity had specifically arranged for Wen Ning to have sex with someone who wanted to give him nice things.

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