malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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"What is your Yeerk's name."


Why would that be important to know. "...Mhalir. Your majesty. Is he safe here?"


"As far as I know there's nowhere safer. 


Hmmm. Let's go through and talk with the Andalites. You may follow me." 


He steps into the demiplane. "Iomedae sent someone," he says to the herd of Andalites and accompanying collection of humans. "I will let her explain herself, she wanted to talk to you."


Andalites trot over. 


Carissa cannot parse whether that's friendly or hostile body language at all. She smiles at them. "Hello?"


Mhalir, of course, has much better understanding of Andalite body language, since Alloran did. He moves Carissa's eyes over the group trotting over to them, gauging their affect toward Carissa. 


They seem curious and not remotely concerned.


"This is Carissa and Mhalir. Iomedae sent them to talk with you about peace talks? Informally, I assume."


"- yes, I don't think we can agree to anything, just get a sense of what might be the difficult points."


<We were told that Iomedae was - offering to help the Yeerks end the war on the condition that the Yeerks stop enslaving people?>


"Yes. They've stopped taking new unwilling hosts and they want some - signs it'll actually help - before they start releasing everyone."


Tail-lash. <What would qualify as a sign it would actually help.>


"I think they think you just hate them and aren't thrilled about them taking voluntary hosts either? So maybe you could send them something generally affirming that if there are no involuntary hosts then you don't take issue with them."


<...who am I speaking with?>


"Carissa. Mhalir's scared of you but you can talk to him if you want."


The Andalites glance at each other. <There's no way to tell> someone says uncomfortably.


"We can do a truth spell if you'd like," the pharaoh says. "But we are not personally in doubt."


Tail-swish. <I am concerned that - Yeerks will consider to be voluntary hosts many people who they - kidnapped and then carefully manipulated, rather than people who truly freely chose it.>


" - sorry, I was Asmodean six months ago and I am not sure I know what that means."


< - if someone, with decent alternatives and accurate information about all of their alternatives, wants a - Yeerk in their heads - then that is their prerogative, I suppose. But I don't think that describes even the hosts that Yeerks consider voluntary.>


"That - seems true, that it doesn't. But - you guys might be the worst possible people to convince Yeerks of the best policy to have here? Because of how there are millions of people dead since you think it's better to be dead than Yeerked, and the Yeerks think this is insane of you. Iomedae probably has some reasonable opinion about this and Abadar probably has some reasonable opinion about this and the Yeerks are going to take it better from them, right."


He looks at the pharaoh. 


"We think philosophy about what kinds of choices to let people make is within our core competencies," he says mildly.


<So the Yeerks want - assurance that the standards deferred to for that will be Abadar's, not ours? I don't have the right to promise that but it seems likely to go over fine.>


<I think I can persuade the Yeerk Council that Abadar is a neutral party here and will not prioritize the Andalites' preferences over ours, or over those of the humans on Earth and various host species. They may want to come here and speak to a representative of Abadar themselves, to get their own sense of what Abadar is like.> 

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