malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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<Do you know who Visser Three has enslaved now.>


"I told you, they're not taking involuntary hosts anymore."


 - he takes a step back, and stiffens. And looks at the pharaoh, for some reason.


"We should have lunch," the pharaoh says, and one of his servants leaves the throne room behind them, presumably to effect this. "And chairs."  Another servant follows. 


Mhalir is confused and slightly alarmed and trying to follow what inference the Andalite they're speaking to seems to have made just now - that Mhalir is the same person as Visser Three? Did they not know that...he supposes there might be no reason for an arbitrary Andalite to know Visser Three's original Yeerk name... And he doesn't understand either why the Andalite immediately looked to the pharaoh, or why the pharaoh responded to this by suggesting lunch. A distraction? To get the servants out of the way? But there are still a lot of guards, the location is hardly private.

He suspects he's not very good at reading subtext into social situations, especially on a planet he hasn't been on long. Is Carissa following what just happened any better than he is?


She is also confused! She should really learn how to prepare a still, silent Detect Thoughts but she doesn't have it yet and also it seems extremely hard to get away with in front of the pharaoh.


The Andalites seem delighted about lunch and they all gather around and morph human for it and put on clothes. Matirin and Khemet stare at each other silently for a moment before Matirin joins the other Andalites. 


Servants bring a folding table and lots of chairs and then start bringing dishes. 


Andalites have horrifying table manners and are really, really into food.


Carissa wants to detect poison but that would be stupid; presumably they have lots of ways to kill her if they want to. Unless they want something more complicated than to kill her? A poison that'd target Mhalir and not her?


"We are curious what Iomedae's interest in all this is," the pharaoh says to her.


"I don't really understand why gods do things, your majesty."


"We were confused, when Abadar conveyed that She meant to ally with the Yeerks on the condition that they stop enslaving people."


"To be clear - ear - ear - that is what the war was all about! Bout! Out. I said, wow, all this time maybe I could have morphed something with too many arms and said 'hello, we are the Nondalites, we will ally with you against the Andalites if you stop enslaving people'."


"I think - you guys distrusted each other enough that things you would both consider reasonable coming from a third party sounded unreasonable coming from each other."


<Ask him if he knows that Seerow attacked us first.> 


"Mhalir says do you know that Seerow attacked first."


"I did not know - oh - that Yeerks say that! I guess that is better than if Yeerks say they attacked first and were right because we were trying - ing - to stop them from enslaving people. But that is what we think happened."


<Tell him I will say what happened under truth spell if he wishes. I was there.> 


"My Yeerk says he was there and you can truth spell him."


"We tested if that works! It does not."


"Zone of Truth does but of course can't be verified to have stuck, and Abadar's Truthtelling is single-target so a Yeerk and host working together can have one of them subject to it while the other one talks."


" - how'd you test that?"


"One of the Andalites had a Yeerk morph."


Okay, relaying through Carissa feels kind of silly at this point. He takes over, though he does it tentatively, to give her a chance to stop him if she wants. "This is Mhalir. If you have access to someone who can cast Polymorph, that works and is how I was previously - interrogated." 

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