malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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He looks at Khemet. <We are mostly talking about people who were kidnapped and then told that if they were well-behaved they'd be more valuable to their captors - more likely to get things like medical treatment ->


"The last bit of that is how most employment works. I guess it is a consistent opinion that material scarcity is inherently coercive."


<...yes, material scarcity is inherently coercive, and I don't expect there being Yeerks benefitting from it will make it less sticky.>


"There's some theory of what kinds of trade do not make both parties better off and it might be applicable but 'they let people die if those people don't want to be their hosts' isn't it."


<I mean, I think we're going to want to insist that they not get in the way of us ending material scarcity but I don't think we can reasonably demand the Yeerks do it themselves, they probably don't even know how.>


<You can tell him that we would very much like the Andalites' help in ending material scarcity on all of the planets where we took hosts, if they are willing to do that. Previously I modelled them as unwilling to do that because they decided not to share technology with other species after what happened with Seerow.> 

Mhalir ignores the part where 'they probably don't even know how' is at least slightly offensive or hurtful, that's beside the point. 


"I think they'd be pretty happy if you - ended material scarcity. They thought you wouldn't want to because of your rules against sharing technology after what happened with Seerow."


<I mean, I think this is the best angle on it, if people are turning to Yeerks because they'll starve otherwise and we can fix it. We probably will not give them starships.>


<If we are all wizards maybe we can give them starships. There are two ways to maintain a tech advantage and the one where you invent lots of new things is more fun.>


"Oh, are you learning arcane magic?"


<Yes!> He practically skips around about it. <We are going to have to adapt it since we do not speak aloud but it's lovely and beautiful and I am so glad to have learned it.>


Mhalir feels a sudden burst of fondness for this particular Andalite. This is very much the correct response to discovering the existence of arcane magic, he thinks. It's too bad that he's an Andalite and Mhalir is a Yeerk and so probably they can't do research together.

<I think giving planets starships is not key to ending material scarcity> he says to Carissa. <Earth would benefit more from morph, honestly, and various other non-starship technologies, and if that is offered I do not think it would take them long to build their own starships.> 


Should we ask them to write a message or something, or will it just work for you to tell the Council -


<If we are doing this informally, I can talk to the Council first. They will probably want something in writing, eventually, but I can find out more about what their specific uncertainties are.> 


She nods. Is there more you want to know, right now?


<I am not sure.> He feels very off-balance again. <If they have other priorities they have not communicated yet, I suppose.> 


"Are there - other things that Andalites will want from talks -"


They speak among themselves. 


<Alloran> he says after a moment. <Alloran-Semitur-Corrass, he is the only Andalite enslaved by Yeerks. If they claim he is actually volunteering we will not believe them. And paid reparations for all of the people who were irrecoverably damaged by being enslaved.>


<We can pay reparations but we want Abadar to determine the appropriate payment, not the Andalites> Mhalir says immediately to Carissa. <And - do they...not know...about Alloran? You should tell them where he is. I am sure the pharaoh has someone with Plane Shift who could take them to speak with him in Nirvana and - see if he wishes to return to the Andalite homeworld now or something.> 


" - he says yes to reparations but Abadar should decide the appropriate payment. And Alloran is in Nirvana, you could go pick him up."


<...he's in the Neutral Good afterlife? He is dead?>


"He is not dead he was just dropped off there for safekeeping."


Andalites glance at Khemet. 


"News to me. We can send someone to go look into it."

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