malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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"I admitt - mitt - admittedly do not understand politics at all, but it seems like not enslaving people is easier than enslaving people."


"What - did you come here for. Today."


"Because Iomedae thought it would help with ending the war, and I want to do that."


"What is Iomedae playing at." This is directed at the pharaoh as much as at Mhalir.


"Maybe She finds it annoying how both of you have beliefs about each other that plainly won't survive ten minutes of conversation."


- sigh. "I don't understand," he says, this time to Mhalir, "how you thought there was possibly any victory down the road you were headed down. Whatever you were up to, other Yeerks were setting up mass slavery operations on a dozen planets. And we were - beginning to discuss how we would destroy those, if we had to -"


He's exhausted and hurting and suddenly kind of angry.

"I will admit that the higher-ranking Yeerk leadership sometimes overruled what I recommended, and I would have preferred a less - escalatory and slavery-involving - path, but - well, it is less about whether I thought our chances of victory on the path we in fact chose were good, and more that I thought the chances of our species' survival in any other scenario was unacceptably low. Much less our chances of keeping any of our technology, or ever being able to help anyone else in the universe. Maybe I was wrong. But if so I still think I was understandably wrong, given what Seerow did." 


He does not say anything in response, with perhaps some visible effort. 


Carissa is mad at him for suggesting that it's somehow Mhalir's fault the Andalites like blowing up planets but she doesn't want to start yelling at people in the middle of Mhalir's important negotiations.


Mhalir looks the Andalite in the eye. 

"You can shout at me if you want," he says, quietly, gently. "I know I - deserve it, by any reasonable standard, and I will not be angry or offended or anything." He might think of fairness and deservingness as kind of fake concepts but they still have a social meaning. "Whatever you say, I am certain Alloran has said worse to me. And I know it was - not your fault, what Seerow decided, I am not blaming you for it. But I think it might help, here, to have everything out in the open between us." 

He's weirdly calm, all of a sudden. Still very sad, but he's too tired to muster either anger or fear, and he feels oddly far away from the current situation. He wonder what Iomedae must think, watching from a god's perspective as mortals squabble and destroy planets over petty, stupid misunderstandings. 


"We - we made a lot of mistakes, if it's true there is some other way we could have made Yeerks cease enslaving people. It had not even occurred to me that Yeerks might be confused about whether we'd let them be if they did that. I am not really sure that I believe you. But - accepting that premise, we did many things that should never have been done. But - if it had been only the fate of our own people at stake, we would not have done those things, because it is not right to kill whole worlds to save your own. And it is not right to enslave whole worlds to save your own. And - Yeerks did not actually have to make that choice, you were wrong about that - but I think very poorly of you for choosing to enslave worlds to save their own, even if you sincerely believed that was what they were doing, especially once it became clear that we would not permit you worlds you'd enslaved in this fashion. I believe you that Alloran considered it a mercy, and I believe he was wrong about that, but that wasn't the operative strategic consideration, the strategic consideration was firstly that we would lose the war if we let you have millions of new enslaved hosts and secondly that we hoped if you could not keep planets you'd enslaved you'd stop doing it. You had no reason to believe we'd kill you all! We had your homeworld and we did not kill you all there! You can tell yourself whatever you want about it and I'm glad it's over now but -"


"You should have sent him some people."


He makes an annoyed full-body gesture like shaking off a fly.


" - hey, yeah, he's right."


"You never say that about me," he snaps at that Andalite.


"Well, you have to be right for me to say you are."


"No, he's got a point, because I also thought Khemet was right and I was absolutely not going to say so, last thing he needs."


"Yes. See? Thank you."


Carissa is so incredibly confused.


It's probably something to do with them being different versions of the same people (?????) and Mhalir doesn't feel like trying to figure it out right now. He's so tired of feeling like he's running on quicksand, trying to outpace a world that makes no sense anymore. 

"Maybe I was wrong and stupid, in the past. Maybe both of us were. Can we - leave that until later? Right now I want to know what I need to say or do to convince you that I want the war to be over and intend to work in good faith toward that." 


He looks back at him, the humor gone from his expression entirely.

"I believe you," he says after a minute. 


"Then we should figure out what steps need to happen in what order, between our people, to achieve that." He...should probably try to be less angry, he's made his point and it won't help to keep wishing the past were different. "I think I can walk the Council through de-escalating and releasing all of our involuntary hosts, but it will be easier to the extent that I have reassuring evidence to offer them." 


"Is he right." Head-jerk at the pharaoh. "That the way to do reassuring evidence is to - hand people over to the Yeerks."


"Letting a Yeerk enter someone's head is - significantly better than truth spells, I think, for verifiably conveying their intent. If I were you, I would consider asking for volunteers here, where Abadar can mediate and the pharaoh's wizards can use enchantments to force the Yeerk not to run off with said volunteers and to leave as soon as they have seen enough." 


His face is very still. He nods, after a moment.

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