malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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What. It's not his name - it's not a Yeerk-sounding name at all - but there's a similarity there. And wasn't Parmida the terrifying ninth-circle wizard's elderly Qadiran wife, why is Nefreti mixing her up with Carissa, they seem very unalike. 

"Mhalir," he says with Carissa's mouth, there's no point in hiding his presence. "Thank you for meeting with us." 


"I am delighted to see you! It makes more sense of everything. I was confused about why Malduoni should put you in his head but now I am not confused about it. Maybe I can try to persuade him again, but he will think, Nefreti, you did not say that using things I can see, probably you have no good reason to say it at all, and he will not listen."


"You - told Malduoni he should let me into his head? ...I mean, I might feel more secure about things if I knew more about him, I generally do, but I think I am missing some kind of context here." 


"It would solve all of the problems. I told him that but he is very paranoid and doesn't know how to trust people and fled the country when a fourteen-year-old he was teaching became a cleric of Nethys so I am not optimistic about persuading him. But it would solve all the problems. You would stop fretting, and you're going to be very slow about that otherwise. And he would - I think he would take longer to stop fretting but he would get there eventually. And the only remaining problem at that point is the entire universe but I think you can fix that one."


"- I think you have significantly more faith in my ability to fix the entire universe than I do," Mhalir says dryly.

(Even though he's sort of always considered that the obvious thing to do, one problem at a time of course but it's not like he could stop with figuring things out for the Yeerks, there are so many stars and so many worlds...) 


"That is because you are a foolish little child and I am omniscient."


Mhalir considers, distantly, that probably a lot of people would be offended by that, but he can't muster it. She's not wrong

"Would I stop fretting because I would see firsthand that I approve of his intentions and goals? I - think that hearing so from you is not the same as seeing it directly, but it ought to carry some weight, I think..." 


"It is more complicated than that and also simpler. Some stories - rhyme, with other stories, they are the same shape stretched or twisted or squeezed but not torn. You match him. Where you see it you recognize it at once as the thing you'd like to grow to be. It would help you. And it would help him, because he is too foolish to trust people, it holds him back. With enough of himself he will be unstoppable. With enough of me he would also be unstoppable but I have things to do, and I owe him nothing."


"So he is - who I could grow up to be, in a different story...?" 

Apart from the concept of it being absurd, it kind of fits. Malduoni, a powerful wizard, Chelish, likely someone who fled during their civil war. Now the elected leader of Rahadoum, a country without gods. (And amassing an army in secret to retake Cheliax from his enemies, but Mhalir holds that thought back, not sharing it with Carissa, Iomedae thought she wasn't ready yet.) Mhalir...could see himself following that path, if he were human and a wizard, if his people's enemy was Asmodeus instead of the Andalites. 

What is Carissa thinking of all this? 


She is suddenly hoping that this means the Good-Evil war is like the Yeerk-Andalite war and both sides make sense when you think about it and they can do something less dumb and destructive than destroying each other. It seems unlikely, though.


The god side of the Good-Evil war does seem harder than that, Mhalir thinks, the value differences there are - more baked into the structure of reality, which seems to think that all the alignments are metaphysically basic concepts or something, it doesn't sound like gods can change their minds about whether torture is good or whatever. The human side of it...might be more analogous, though, humans here don't seem psychologically different from humans on Earth, they just have different tools. 

He needs some time to absorb the Malduoni revelation. Moving on. "Are you the one who brought Andalites to Sothis?" 


"Yes! Malduoni helped me because we needed to do a week of research in time dilation so it'd only take ten seconds, and then cast two Gates to the same place at once, which would've been seriously inconvenient on my own."


<...You can do that?> Mhalir thinks to Carissa. <I am correct in thinking that is very difficult and impressive, right?>

"Can you - give us more context on these Andalites?" he says out loud. "Are they military leaders, or the crew of a ship, or diplomats who volunteered...? I am trying to figure out what to expect here and what they will be expecting." 


Carissa has absolutely no idea how to do that!! It's really difficult and impressive but they are both extremely powerful and maybe ninth-circle wizards are all like that.


"They match the pharaoh of Osirion and his family! Like you match Malduoni. You can love them, and you can fight them, and you can grieve them, depending. There is a lot of variety there."


"They match the– I can love them?" Mhalir is starting to feel like nothing he asks here will result in him being less confused rather than more. "I do not know anything about the pharaoh of Osirion and his family." Aside from the fact that the pharaoh, one, is gay, and two, selects wives by having them write essays about policy, which does make him sound like someone Mhalir could theoretically get along with all right. "Do you...have advice for us? On how to approach this so that it will go well?" 


"Well, mostly when you explain what you want and are working towards, it goes well, and when you kill several of them, it goes somewhat less well, and when you defeat their enemies for them it goes really well but I'm not sure how you're going to manage that here."


"I...will keep that in mind," Mhalir says faintly. There are too many players here and too many of them are supposedly versions of each other, it's dizzying. 

Does Carissa have any other questions? 


Carissa is also confused and vaguely curious if anyone is a version of her, but presumably not, everyone else involved in this mess is purposefully so whereas she's involved by coincidence. "Do we just - walk up to the palace and say we want to meet the Andalites?"



"Is there something that'd go better than that?"


"Honestly it seems like you mostly become acquainted via kidnapping but maybe you have had enough of that already."


"Yes. I have. I want to do things that do not involve getting kidnapped."


"But if usually you get kidnapped then I don't know anything about the other paths."


"I think we should go with the straightforward plan that does not involve trying to arrange for someone else to want to kidnap us. I suppose we could send a message to the palace first to check if we are welcome, if there is a standard way to do that?" 

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