malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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"I do not know how that can be done. But we will do it eventually."


"- Really?" 


"Of course. We would not really have won if billions of people are dead forever, will we have? Carissa is upset because I will turn the weapons of your starships on Hell and destroy people, perhaps people who she knows, certainly people like the people she knows. I will do this." Sad but not apologetic, again. "But someday we will find a way to do something better. The universe is very big, and very old, and very strange, and we will not be done until no one who wishes to live is dead."


He looks at her for a long time, through Carissa's eyes, and finally nods. 

"What do you need me for now." 


"I want those talks to happen. I think they will go well. After that -"

"After that, I want you to go to Rahadoum and help the man there figure out how we can use technology to take Cheliax back more cleanly. I am telling you this and not Carissa; she will be ready, I think, by the time it is time to go there, but she isn't, not yet. I wish for her to - see it as sad but necessary for her other goals, rather than as a place where her goals are lost beneath the goals of more powerful people with no reason to care what she thinks. Maybe you can help her get there. I am also speaking to her -" He can sense it, a bit dizzying, that a different conversation is happening between Iomedae and Carissa right now - "but she has been given a lot of reason to doubt that the gods, whatever process produces the words that we speak to you, can really care for the things that you care for, and there is information that might reassure her about the conquest of Cheliax that I am at this time unwilling to share."


"The man– you mean the ninth-circle wizard. He wants to conquer Cheliax? Why? Who is he?"

Mhalir is also not at all looking forward to having to interact with the man who trapped him in a demiplane literally without exits for multiple hours, but that's beside the point. 


"He is Malduoni, the elected leader of Rahadoum. He is secretly working with me on the conquest of Cheliax because it is currently run by Asmodeus and does its level best to damn all its citizens to Hell and we disapprove."


Since Mhalir also disapproves, it seems reasonable enough for him to try to help. And - Carissa will be upset but not surprised, he thinks, and combining technology and magic, maybe there is a way to conquer a country without actually killing a lot of people or causing extensive infrastructure damage. 

(Probably 'Yeerking all the leadership' is not the optimal plan here since everyone in Golarion will think it's also Evil.) 


"I don't know," Iomedae says peaceably. "Enchantments are not inherently Evil. It matters a great deal whether you are acting in order to avert greater harms, and whether you are concerned with minimizing the harm to your targets. To steal a person's body for years to use for your own purposes, that will always be Evil. To ensure that a war is over in a week - many things are permitted in war that would have no place in a Good world. I think you and he should at least consider it."


He blinks, surprised and thoughtful. "And Yeerks are not vulnerable to Break Enchantment. How...public, is it, that we are on this planet? There area Andalites in Sothis and so I am guessing the secret is partially broached, but how much do you think Asmodeus knows about my people?" 


"I hope very little. I fear more. For this reason it is important to move quickly."


He nods. "Then I hope the talks with the Andalites will not take too long. Do they know anything about Cheliax - does Abadar...?" If he has to rush while not giving any sign that he has a reason to be hurrying, that sounds harder. 


"They do not, but you have another justification to hurry, which is that your people will start releasing involuntary hosts once you can report progress here. The Andalites will be highly motivated by this."


"I am concerned that just logistically it will be hard to release involuntary hosts as quickly as they are going to want, but I will do my best." 


"Your people should ask for our assistance, wherever they might require it."


"I will keep that in mind." 


At the same time - 


"I don't understand how, even in principle, you'd eventually get back a devil you killed," she says.


"Perhaps by travelling in time. Perhaps with some power that has different limitations than Golarion's gods. Perhaps with something Nethys knows but which I cannot afford to ask Him to show me, now while I am needed for this war. I do not know for sure that it can be done. But the limitations of magic are not consistent across worlds, and there are many, many worlds."


"Would it change anything if you were sure it wouldn't work?"


"It would change some things. It would not change my intent to war with Hell. I cannot permit Asmodeus to continue the work he is doing. His people do not deserve to die, but neither do all who defy them, and I pick all who defy them. If you have specific people in mind you can ask to resurrect them."


"I don't." Honestly her objection here is very stupid, it's that people she has never met but feels some affinity with will stop existing because they were on the wrong side of a war, which is how the universe works and obnoxious to be upset about. She didn't cry about the dead demons at the Worldwound.


"Caring about people is a vulnerability. If you bother to want anything then there are more ways to hurt you than there were before."




"There are many, many ways to hurt me."

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