malduoni learns about some suspicious otherworldly visitors
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"Personally I just walk in."


Mhalir thinks there are a lot of things one might do as a ninth-circle mystic theurge than he feels less comfortable doing, but...then again, he is the current representative of the entire Yeerk species on Golarion. And walking right up like he has every right to do that will at least demonstrate confidence or something. Confidence he doesn't really feel, but...thinking that he might someday grow into someone like Malduoni helps, a little.

<Carissa, are you feeling ready for that?> 


Sure. However if she gets kidnapped she's going to be so grouchy about it. 


Mhalir isn't sure what to do to protect against kidnapping. They can cast Invisibility while walking to the Palace, to give fewer opportunities for it? And if the Andalites were brought here by Gate they probably don't have a ship or anything to stage kidnappings with. If the pharaoh of Osirion wants to kidnap them then Mhalir isn't sure they can do anything about that, except have his staff send a strongly-worded diplomatic complaint about how this is rude and not Lawful at all. ...Which makes him think it's unlikely, actually, given that Abadar is Lawful and the pharaoh is his human aspect. 


Yeah she does not actually consider this remotely likely she's just paranoid, lately. It doesn't seem implausible that by Osirian law all unmarried women belong to the pharaoh or something but Mhalir certainly wouldn't. And Iomedae didn't think there was much to worry about. "Thank you," she says to Nefreti.


"Perhaps I should thank you! Imagine if Mhalir had kidnapped someone who happened to really hate oozes."


Technically he did. Multiple times, in the past decades. 

"Are there..." He swallows. "Are there worlds where I - enslave Alloran, and then free him, and he's - all right, eventually?" 


"Hmmm. There is one where he learns magic in secret and gets very good at it and sneaks over to an entirely different planet and murders you."


...Well. Mhalir winces. He probably deserves that, for asking a stupid question, and - it's useful information to have, he wouldn't have predicted Alloran would set out to learn wizardry and now he know to be very careful and keep a lookout. It's been a while since he scried Alloran, actually, they should do that again at some point just in case. 

"Thank you," he says, and nods to her, and then they can head for the pharaoh's palace. Maybe using Dimension Door to get down all the stairs, this time, Mhalir doesn't find that he cares much right now if it's rude. 


They can Dimension Door most of the way to the palace from here. Not into the Dome, which is impossible to Teleport within or scry within, but to about a block away so that they can approach it. 

          "Do you have an appointment?" a guard at the entrance to the Dome asks, when they approach. 

"No, but, uh, we wanted to talk with the Andalites?"

           " - I'll pass that along."


Mhalir is giving the Dome a dubious look. <I think that might block my recording device too. I should let my people on the shuttle know so that they do not panic if so.> And then hope they don't actually get kidnapped while inside and out of contact. 


Oh, I bet it does, yeah. 

Will your people try to raise you, if - anything goes wrong, with the Andalites -


<Of course. And you. I - hmm, perhaps I should send a message to them, indicating that Nefreti and Malduoni are both people who may be allies. I had been...less sure of that, previously, though Iomedae also told me that I ought to work with Malduoni.> 


Do you believe Nefreti, about Malduoni's - story?


He's not certain of it. He's trying to hold in the back of his mind that he has no proof of it. But - it feels like it would be really weird for her to lie about it, it doesn't match his sense of what a representative of the god of magic who knows everything but doesn't have many goals would do. And not believing anything anyone says unless he can prove it for himself doesn't seem like a very productive way to engage with this whole situation, so - for now he's going to move forward on the assumption it's true, and keep an eye out for counter-evidence. 


The guard comes back! They'd like Carissa to step in and permit a Truth Spell and then they can get some assurances for security about her intentions.


Carissa cooperates with this. They want to know if she has the means or a plan to harm the pharaoh (she doesn't) or anyone else in the palace (she doesn't intend to but she carries a hatpin for suicide and while it wouldn't hurt the pharaoh she could probably kill a servant with it but she would not do this). They want her hatpin, which she doesn't protest; she could make another one if the pharaoh did kidnap her and it seemed like the best escape plan. 

They want to know how she knows about the Andalites. She says that Iomedae told her. They want to know what her interest in the Andalites is. She says she wants to on Iomedae's instructions make the peace talks go well and learn what the Andalites will need for peace. They want to know why Iomedae told her; she is guessing it's because she got entangled in the situation earlier when Yeerks were recruiting wizards and then she got kidnapped back by some wizards opposed to the Yeerks and eventually she escaped both for Vigil and she wants there to be peace.

They instruct her on protocols for meeting the pharaoh (you prostrate yourself on the floor at his feet and wait for explicit permission to move or speak). They let her through.


Mhalir goes along with this. 

He's very scared. Mostly about the Andalites and not the pharaoh. He doesn't think the pharaoh has any strong reason to harm him in particular - in fact, given that the pharaoh speaks for Abadar, and Mhalir can bring absurd wealth to Osirion if allowed to do so, he feels a lot less worried. But it seems hard to negotiate with the Andalites without revealing that Carissa has a Yeerk spokesperson. And he's very aware of how much the Andalites hate him for taking Alloran as his host. 

...costs he chose to pay, willingly, but without even noticing the paths he had already closed off...


Carissa has decided to assume that Iomedae will not get them killed for no reason. Maybe this is an unjustified assumption but she's sticking with it. They wait outside for the pharaoh and she studies fourth-circle spells and tells herself firmly that Iomedae will absolutely get them killed if it helps her win but not if it doesn't, and this wouldn't. 


Eventually they're called in.


The pharaoh's throne room has a portal to - presumably a demiplane - with purpleish grass and a red-gold sky. It's full of Andalites and humans. Carissa only gets a brief glance because she is prostrating herself. 


"Please sit comfortably," says the pharaoh. "And tell me a little more about what is going on, I am confused. Iomedae asked you to come here?"


"Yes, your majesty. I was taken from Cheliax by Yeerks six months ago, when they were trying to learn about magic and how it could be used to end the war, and then a few weeks ago kidnapped from there by an ally of Iomedae's who wanted to make sure the Yeerks weren't trying to enslave the world or something. Then I escaped and went to Vigil for help and Iomedae arranged to send some of Her paladins back to the Yeerks to explain to them what Golarion's gods are and why they can trust Her to not let the Andalites kill them if they stop enslaving people. Then she asked me to come here."


"With a Yeerk accompanying you?"


Can he see it? - he's Abadar, probably he can see lots of things that her hair would stop human magic from detecting. "That's right, your majesty."


"But it's - Carissa, the human, talking to me right now?"


"Yes, your majesty. Probably I will get along with the Andalites better, since our understanding is that Yeerks are - upsetting to them."

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