Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
"...assassin droid?" She stands! And pulls out her 'pad. "HK? That's the protocol droid? Let me—"
She quickly swipes through to the report Atton sliced for her.
Stupid Jedi—? Ignoring it.
"Griy assigned the droid to Uthuar, the head mechanic; my boss. I don't know where it's gone from there, but. Why is it here? What's going on? Atton mentioned something about a bounty? But I'm not a Jedi anymore, it can't be here for me."
<Bounty only demands force-sensitive. This droid was on Republic vessel bound for this station. Republic knows little Jedi is here. Want your help. Assassin snuck on-board.>
Sharra sighs and closes her eyes. Breathing.
"If the assassin is behind the chaos with the mining droids, and the assassin is after me... just makes the current plan when more urgent. Need to fix the Hawk's hyperdrive and get the fuck out of here. No reason to continue killing people if your quarry is elsewhere."
Isk whistles agreement.
<Droids will assist,> they tell Sharra, <T3-M4 unable to fix, needed new part. Part has been found now.>
T3 whistles happily! He trundles a bit to the side to reveal a small box that had been hidden behind him.
<T3 will fix! Friend Jedi proud of T3!>
...cute. She bends to lie a hand on T3 and also take a look in the box.
"What does the Republic need help with?" she directs to Isk.
T3 chirps happily in response to her hand, his dome wiggling a little under her palm. The box contains a few odds and ends, including a somewhat uncommon part not ordinarily associated with Dynamic-class freighters. A sign of the modifications to the ship, probably.
<Unclear. Stupid Admiral told Harbinger to find little Jedi. This droid did not hear why.>
"Well. Regardless, I'm not a Jedi and I don't have a connection to the Force, so I wouldn't be able to help anyway." She sighs sharply and does not let her fear and anxiety take hold. "This is what we need to fix the ship?"
T3 whistles again and Isk beeps a single affirmative beep.
<Will transfer ownership of ship to little Jedi,> Isk informs her, <Belonged to Stupid Jedi. Inheritance,> they whistle, somehow smug.
Not a Jedi.
"Thank you. Make your way down to the ship and get started on the repairs. Do you know how long they'll take? I'm going to go get my partner and collect a few things from my workshop. I'll grab anything you think we'll need."
"I'll run then," she says, petting him again. Atton wasn't wearing his comm when she left him, and she has all his 'pads here... "If you can live with the patch wheel for a little while, I'll be even quicker."
<Will take bags,> Isk is in fact reaching out a hook-arm to scoop them up, <Will move faster unburdened.>
Isk prods her with their hook, <Missed you. You will stay with this droid, this time,> they demand then, drawing out their binary into more words for once, <I taught you better than to be stupid.> Unlike some people.
Becoming a Sith Lord and trying to take over the Republic kinda stupid?
"Once the drive is fixed, begin start up. My partner is in lock up right now, and getting him out will probably cause commotion. We'll want to be hot and ready to go the moment we land on deck."
The beep their agreement, and then they roll past her, T3 following in their wake with the box of parts.