Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
Lift 1! And then she will cut through the fuel depot towards 5, hopefully not running into anyone in particular.
She passes a single maintenance worker, but they're busy working at a console, and don't do more than offer an absent-minded greeting as she passes.
The hangar bay, meanwhile, is entirely empty. Up the ramp to the right, the freighter is visible through the window, cream and brown and wearing a few visible patches where something had wrenched it open before it drifted into the asteroid belt. The door leading down into the bay is across the room from the door she'd entered through. Meanwhile, the storage room where the utility droids were reportedly left is to the left of the door.
She stares at the ship for a very very long moment. Eyes drifting over it slowly. Not the nicest looking ship she's come across. Obviously been through a lot. A lot a lot. And yet... she's charmed.
The Ebon Hawk. She wonders how it got that name.
She wonders if it'll be a good place to raise children.
She has a good feeling about it.
Finally, she drags her eyes away from the Ebon Hawk and makes her way over to the storage bay and the droids.
The other is a familiar T7-series, olive-painted and customized by the hands of a skilled mechanic.
Both appear to be offline.
Actually nevermind, this one is not offline!
<Little Jedi!> T7-I17 - or Isk, to their friends - whistle-screeches at her, their lens lighting up with the distant speck of white that signifies their active state, <What is little Jedi doing here?!>
The droid rolls up to her and sticks a proboscis into her face, poking her, <Breathe!> they demand.
She's breathing!!!! Too much!!!
"Isk???" she somehow manages to get out. Does that mean - is he - she begins to hyperventilate in earnest. Panic-panic-terror-Atton- she needs to get -
They poke her again, harder this time, <Your systems are overheating. Run cooling protocols.>
- Sharra squeezes her eyes tight and -
goes through the motions of meditation. Calming, calming, there is only - no. Her heart picks up again and she tries to switch tracks
in - in - in - out. In and out. She repeats this. Over and over and over.
She opens her eyes and stares at her former master's droid companion.
"Are you okay? I have my tools here with me."
<Fully functional. Allowed station personnel to believe these droids were both damaged. Look at T3-M4.>
T3 does so! His back right tread is stuck, in a way Isk couldn't fix with their built-in tools. His internal systems and Isk have fixed most of the damage to his chassis, but he needs an entire new wheel. He can move without it, but only very slowly.
Well she can patch the wheel temporarily and give him mostly full functionality, and then head to her workshop and pick up a replacement for the long term. He'll have to be careful though, until then. No high speed menuvours. Or any menuvours at all, really.
"There's been trouble. My partner and I were going to take the ship and get out of here. There's something wrong with the other droids and a group of the miners have been taking advantage of the chaos. We think they're planning something, maybe directed at me."