Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
"Oh yeah," he rolls his hips under her, "It's what all the kids are calling it these days."
She laughs and kisses him, then continues into giggles.
"Need to get back to work anyway. Uthuar will probably appreciate me not smelling like sex and cage-boy sweat."
"The cage sweat would be new, at least," he admits. "Alright," he levers himself up under her, helping her to her feet. "Ugh," he adds, gingerly stretching out his back.
She hups! And then wraps around him to press her fingers deep into the muscles of his lower back.
"You're so old."
"I'm in my prime," he counters, wincing as she digs her fingers in, "Normally people don't lie on the floor."
"It was either the floor or on our feet. I doubt you could hold me for long."
She moves her fingers and finds a solid knot - presses her fingers deep.
He hisses, slumping into her a bit.
"...mmn. Thanks," he kisses her shoulder, "S'better."
"Selfish. Watching you squirm is my favourite pastime." She leaves him with one last snuggle, then pulls him over to the fresher. "Only pastime?"
"So no double career as a masseuse?"
He pulls up behind her just outside the sonic, pulling off his tunic and shirt and sliding his pants and underwear down, shoving the whole ensemble into the sink and setting the thing to give them a quick clean. It won't be as thorough as a sonic clothes cleaner, but better than nothing.
Sharra, having taken off her suit and underwear already, throws her bra and tank top into pile.
"Traveling masseuse? That could be our big break. Though all the others I've heard of were also offering sex as part of the service..."
"Guess I'll have to be on-guard for anyone who tries to push for that, then." Into the sonic with them!
Sonic sonic sonic. Clean clean clean. More kisses and a little bit of grabby. Since it's right there.
Well, so it is. He does some grabbing of his own.
Some time later, they emerge from the fresher with clean skin and cleanish clothes.
"...cage time?" He asks, glancing over at the clock on the console.
Hm. "Better. Bee will be here soon to take over watch till tonight. Unless you think you could convince her to let you stay out."
He pulls it up for her, then.
Apparently, the ship called the Ebon Hawk had drifted into the asteroid belt and was towed into the station to prevent it from crashing into any of the volatile asteroids. Aboard, security personnel found two damaged utility droids, a working protocol droid, and the body of an elderly woman. The utility droids were placed in storage in the hangar bay control room, the body placed into the morgue, and the protocol droid was put to work assisting the lead mechanic, first in assessing the damage to the freighter, and then in his usual work.
As far as Uthuar could determine, the major issue was that the ship's hyperdrive had been somehow damaged. Not being skilled at fixing hyperdrives, he'd chosen to leave that to the station administration's discretion while he fixed up some damage to the bulkheads and minor issues in the life support system. As it was, the only problem remaining was that one thing he couldn't fix.
"Mmm. Surprised he didn't ask me to have a look at it..." She moves closer to the console, pressing her back against his chest and pulling his arm around her waist. She navigates over to the blueprints. "I've been on a few dynamic-class ships before... he lent me out to the mech," she mumbles, thinking back to- she shakes her head and focuses. "Did he fix the utility droids?"
"I'll grab them when I go speak to him," she says, nodding, sends the data to her 'pad, then turns into him. "I'll drop back by soon with a pillow? And another snack."