Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
"Will do," she says, with a kiss. "I'll get this done quick, maybe even tonight. Tomorrow at the latest. You won't have to suffer too long for your misdeeds."
Tonight. One last kiss and then off she goes, pulling her jumpsuit up over her shoulders and zipping it up. The least amount of ire she can collect, the better. Griy will take any excuse to make her life harder, especially after all the chaos. Sharra heads over to the 'lifts, nodding at the few people she passes on the way. No Coorta, thankfully, or any of his minions.
Maybe her luck is finally running true?
Sharra ignores him too! She's very busy.
...the morgue. Right. She is stealing the woman's probable ship. It feels a lot slimy to not pay her respects, at the very least. And- she looks Attonwards
Hmmm. She digs out his cards, first thing. They're hidden in a little hidey-hole that she only figured out the other day. She doesn't know why he didn't just put his blaster in there. Would have saved them both a lot of grief.
She snatches up his bag, next, and stuffs his pillow inside... and a few change of clothes... and...
Well. She might as well take them now and stash them in the storage compartment near the hanger... hm. No reason right now for her to be searched, which might change later. Sharra bites her lip and tucks them inside the pillow, then the bag. Annnything else she should grab? She squints around his room.
Pocket Atton has a point. She doesn't have much, really, just her own Hutt currency and the 'pad she uses for art and music. And her own pillow. She'd just gotten her hands on a new one, no way she was leaving without it. Lastly she stuffs her very few articles of clothing into her own bag and slings them over her shoulder. Nothing to see here, just going to be spending a few days in lock-up!
She heads on back to lift three to make the trek to the hanger.
Everyone knows what Atton did at this point, and that she'd be spending a few days sleeping with him up on the Admin level, so she receives no odd looks on her way there. Up on the level in question, she has to walk all the way back to the other end to take lift one down to the fuel depot, and then make her way through the halls and across the catwalk above the fuel lines to reach the hangar bay.
She makes the detour back to lock-up and her suffering boy. And the aforementioned Bee?
Kisskiss! "These ones did nothing wrong. Probably. Though I might look into whether they have anything to do with what's going on with the others..."
On top of everything else she's doing.
Patpat. She opens up his bag, making sure to shield it from the uncaring Bee.
"Want anything else? I forgot to get a snack..."
"I'll survive," he shrugs, glancing down into the bag. He raises an eyebrow.
"You'll be back soon enough, anyway," he says, rather than commenting.
She nods, then shoulders their bags, less her own pillow. "If you put your ass on this, I will destroy it."
"Promises," he smirks up at her, taking a seat on his own pillow with hers settled into his lap.
She runs her fingers through his floppy hair, then gives him another pet.
Which is where she leaves him. And Bee. Who she just gives a little wave of thanks.