Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
...she doesn't want to think about it. Grumble.
"No, but I'll make it work. Lug them up here and work on them while you sleep." She finishes her food and passes the last two bites to him. "It's like they're infecting each other. They're not even networked! Griy is pissed at me for the trouble and it's not even working! And I swear Coorta is having me followed. I keep seeing his minions everytime I turn a corner."
He snorts, "I promise, there's a way. I mean, no idea what happened to them to make them go all," he gestures at his jaw, "Psycho Murder Conqueror. But they definitely were. Malak bombarded Telos, you know? That's where most of the fuel here goes, powering the project to rebuild."
She calms. She still has that knowledge she once had. The training. Even if the majority of it is useless to her now, calming herself with meditation was etched into her very soul. She needed it then, and after. More than anything else, the after.
Sharra runs her hand down his chest, just a touch. "We could leave. M'sure they'd be happy to watch us go."
Good boy. She swallows his moan and begins to move her hand. Feels so good under her. Her Atton. Must be so ache and pain from the day. She kisses him again, then shifts her weight, pushing back and moving down his body to settle over his crotch.
- she licks his tip, lathering her tongue with his cum.
Everything. She takes him. Drawing him out, with her hands and mouth and teeth and eventually, takes him inside. Riding him hard and fast, holding him down. He's hers. She takes and takes and takes. Filling up that empty space inside her with him and his body and thoughts and feelings and -
"So no double career as a masseuse?"
He pulls up behind her just outside the sonic, pulling off his tunic and shirt and sliding his pants and underwear down, shoving the whole ensemble into the sink and setting the thing to give them a quick clean. It won't be as thorough as a sonic clothes cleaner, but better than nothing.
He pulls it up for her, then.
Apparently, the ship called the Ebon Hawk had drifted into the asteroid belt and was towed into the station to prevent it from crashing into any of the volatile asteroids. Aboard, security personnel found two damaged utility droids, a working protocol droid, and the body of an elderly woman. The utility droids were placed in storage in the hangar bay control room, the body placed into the morgue, and the protocol droid was put to work assisting the lead mechanic, first in assessing the damage to the freighter, and then in his usual work.
As far as Uthuar could determine, the major issue was that the ship's hyperdrive had been somehow damaged. Not being skilled at fixing hyperdrives, he'd chosen to leave that to the station administration's discretion while he fixed up some damage to the bulkheads and minor issues in the life support system. As it was, the only problem remaining was that one thing he couldn't fix.
"Mmm. Surprised he didn't ask me to have a look at it..." She moves closer to the console, pressing her back against his chest and pulling his arm around her waist. She navigates over to the blueprints. "I've been on a few dynamic-class ships before... he lent me out to the mech," she mumbles, thinking back to- she shakes her head and focuses. "Did he fix the utility droids?"
Tonight. One last kiss and then off she goes, pulling her jumpsuit up over her shoulders and zipping it up. The least amount of ire she can collect, the better. Griy will take any excuse to make her life harder, especially after all the chaos. Sharra heads over to the 'lifts, nodding at the few people she passes on the way. No Coorta, thankfully, or any of his minions.
Maybe her luck is finally running true?
Hmmm. She digs out his cards, first thing. They're hidden in a little hidey-hole that she only figured out the other day. She doesn't know why he didn't just put his blaster in there. Would have saved them both a lot of grief.
She snatches up his bag, next, and stuffs his pillow inside... and a few change of clothes... and...
Well. She might as well take them now and stash them in the storage compartment near the hanger... hm. No reason right now for her to be searched, which might change later. Sharra bites her lip and tucks them inside the pillow, then the bag. Annnything else she should grab? She squints around his room.
Pocket Atton has a point. She doesn't have much, really, just her own Hutt currency and the 'pad she uses for art and music. And her own pillow. She'd just gotten her hands on a new one, no way she was leaving without it. Lastly she stuffs her very few articles of clothing into her own bag and slings them over her shoulder. Nothing to see here, just going to be spending a few days in lock-up!
She heads on back to lift three to make the trek to the hanger.
Everyone knows what Atton did at this point, and that she'd be spending a few days sleeping with him up on the Admin level, so she receives no odd looks on her way there. Up on the level in question, she has to walk all the way back to the other end to take lift one down to the fuel depot, and then make her way through the halls and across the catwalk above the fuel lines to reach the hangar bay.
She passes a single maintenance worker, but they're busy working at a console, and don't do more than offer an absent-minded greeting as she passes.
The hangar bay, meanwhile, is entirely empty. Up the ramp to the right, the freighter is visible through the window, cream and brown and wearing a few visible patches where something had wrenched it open before it drifted into the asteroid belt. The door leading down into the bay is across the room from the door she'd entered through. Meanwhile, the storage room where the utility droids were reportedly left is to the left of the door.
She stares at the ship for a very very long moment. Eyes drifting over it slowly. Not the nicest looking ship she's come across. Obviously been through a lot. A lot a lot. And yet... she's charmed.
The Ebon Hawk. She wonders how it got that name.
She wonders if it'll be a good place to raise children.
Sharra sighs and closes her eyes. Breathing.
"If the assassin is behind the chaos with the mining droids, and the assassin is after me... just makes the current plan when more urgent. Need to fix the Hawk's hyperdrive and get the fuck out of here. No reason to continue killing people if your quarry is elsewhere."
Sharra gets back to her feet and makes her way back to the lift. They're getting out of here. She's going to collect Atton from his cell, there will be no problems — he's needed somewhere, an emergency, Bee trusts her — and they will make their way to the Ebon Hawk without any trouble and get the fuck out of here.
He growls, shaking the laser at her, "I'll shoot! Stop!"
The lift opens behind him, revealing another human, Renil, tall and rangy and generally avoided for his hair-trigger temper and cutting words. He also holds a mining laser, and he steps up beside Kove with a scowl, "Useless idiot, hold that straight. Stop moving, Garon. Kove might be a soft sack of shit, but I'll shoot you."
-he makes a sort of breathless squeaky noise, staggering to the side. The other one - one of the new guys, he'd come in with the latest fuel pickup from Telos - accepts the punch to the face with a grunt and the crack of broken cartilage, continuing to grapple with her unabated.
Kove moves in front of the lift console, laser pointed but uncertain where to shoot with all the flailing.
Coorta shoots into the lift again! His shot misses once more, but it's closer this time, hitting the ground near enough to her hand to burn a little.
Renil grabs hold of her before anyone else can do anything stupid, gripping her wrists together in one large hand while his other arm goes around her waist to hold her still.
The station walls pass her by as they make their way to the Hawk. One man stays behind to unlock the hangar bay doors, to allow them to leave once the ship is running. The others carry and surround her up the ramp and inside the freighter.
There's a small medbay a short ways inside. Her most immediate captor drops her on the bed and makes to start strapping her in. The others have a brief, muffled conversation, before one makes for the engine room, and the other moves towards the cockpit.
"Yes. We'll drop him in the hanger before we take off." She bends and picks up the man's fallen laser. "Do that and I'll take care of the one in the cockpit. On your way, if you're connected to the stations security, put the station on alert and send the mechanic Uthuar a summary of what just happened."
<Repair kit!> T3 rolls around the unconscious Rude Man and pokes open a drawer, revealing some - somewhat old, so less effective, but likely still usable - kolto patches.
<T3 will take rude man to ramp,> he says then, trusting her to look after herself. He grabs hold of Runil and starts dragging him out of the medbay.
He nods, "Could have taken a voiceprint and manipulated a holocall," he agrees. "Doesn't matter, really. It had total access to mechanical. Speaking of, I passed mechanical on my way here, seemed like Uthuar had the place locked up to keep the mining droids out. Seems like they've pretty much taken over the station. I didn't see any bodies on my way down here, though. Their lasers weren't even making a mark on the durasteel," he adds, thinking back, somewhat surprised.
Terrified-guilty-suspicious-betrayed-on the edge of a wide fathomless void about to-
"No," she says instead. Everything starts throbbing, her arm finallyfinally screaming in agony. The lights of the Hawk pierce into her brain and everything goes sharp-hard. "Where. Am I need," she manages to get out.
"I was comatose for months, after. When I woke I was blind and deaf and — the Force was gone. I couldn't reach it. I had to relearn how to breath and see and touch..." She curls up small against him, remembering. "It was over a year later that I found myself in front of the Council."
"You're right. People don't just stop being Jedi — force users. I've never heard of it outside myself. Anything I say will just be ignored, especially with my face out there." But. She continues. "There was a moment, in the lift, when I was fighting Coorta and his men. I think... maybe I'm wrong. I was in pain and high on adrenaline, but. I think it was there. The Force. Just for a split moment..."
There is an old woman in the starboard dormitory, sat calmly upon one of the bunks, legs crossed, back straight. She wears a dark brown cloak over robes of a familiar kind, though perhaps not exactly the most standard style for a Jedi.
At the foot of her bed, the 'protocol' droid HK-50 lies in pieces, cut cleanly in half by what could only be a lightsaber.
"-ah," says the intruder, interrupting her companion's latest flailing, "And here you are."
She feels pulled in circles. Kreia's words at once confusing, but also clear.
"The Force isn't everything." Beat. "I mean, obviously it is, but being one with the Force doesn't have to define everyone. Shouldn't."
She sighs, so fucking tired, and presses firmly against Atton's back. "You must be hungry. I'll bring you something to eat, and once we've all rested we can talk of the future."
She looks around the area. "Sadly we can't kick her off the ship here. Jedi can survive for a little in no atmo, but this is a little excessive..."
She thinks aloud. "Stay here for a few days, take inventory, heal a little, and try and get off the radar of anyone that's looking. Then we find a busy backwater no place planet and get our feet under us. She can hop off there and find her own way."
A man floats in a kolto tank, his eyes half-lidded and apparently unseeing. Well, one of them certainly is, being as blind-white as Kreia's eyes are, but the other is glazed and unmoving as well. His skin is pale, perhaps grey as Isk had said, and cracked and pocked and crevassed by innumerable scars. He seems made up more of them than actual skin, as the painful lines and cracks cover every visible part of his body.
"Don't know him," she mumbles, staring at the holo. "But he might have been a child when I left... or. I just don't recognise him with. Everything going on there."
She has no idea what's going on there.
"Humanoid male. I don't know of any humanoid speices that look like that... did the Harbinger get any data from the tank?"
<Took copy to give to Network Jedi and Stupid Admiral. Could not tell if dead or alive,> they swap their projection for a readout of the data instead.
He was, in fact, more scar than flesh, and not only on the surface. It's as though he had been ripped apart from every angle, and somehow been pulled back together. By the Force, presumably, because it's hard to imagine any other way it could have happened.
The crates she peeks at mostly claim to contain ship parts and fuel canisters, though a few of them are unlabeled, and one lidless crate seems to hold unused sheets and other linens.
The one T3 points her to contains shelf-stable food items! Powdered soup mixes, spices, some ration bars, dehydrated meats, fruits, and vegetables, and grains.
— Sharra knows exactly what to make with this. She spent years on a ship with her master, making due with that they had. The Jedi Order wasn't known for their generosity with credits. Usually Rhae would keep them well stocked, but sometimes...
Sharra looks down to T3 and frowns. "Oh. Um." What was the code? "... probably I can't ask either of you to remind me of the secret passphrase."
"Padawan," says Rhae Ryen's image, his eyes meeting hers directly despite the fact that he's a recording.
His pale hair is longer than she's seen it since before the Mandalorian wars, and his eyes are pale as well, the blue of the holoimage masking any colour but also lacking any glow one might expect in a Sith's eyes. He wears a dark hooded cloak over pale tunics, and she can just glimpse the hilt of a saber on his belt.
"It seems T3 has succeeded in finding you where I did not. Or perhaps it was a coincidence, as much as those occur for those of us connected to the Force. Though, I suppose, it is possible you believe you are not. Is this the case? I cannot hear your answer, but my study into your fate suggests it is so."
He smiles.
"I've looked into your case. To truly cut someone off from the Force requires the Dark Side. It is not, therefore, something the Jedi Council could do. It is, however, possible to place blocks within a person's mind, to prevent them from hearing, seeing, sensing the Force. This is what I believe has happened to you."
He nods, "You're wondering where I am. I cannot tell you that yet; you are needed where you are, more than you are needed by me. Further, were you to seek me out now, there are those who would follow you through no fault of your own. Should they discover where I have gone, and meet our enemies here, the results would be disastrous."
"Yes, unfortunately, I am not the only one from your past who has sought you out. At least two others, whom I know of, have kept track of your movements over the years of your exile. My old Master is one of these; you may have already met her. If so, I would remind you to be wary of her. While she is a skilled combatant, and wise in the ways of the Force, she remains a creature of great ambition. Listen to her words, yet take what she tells you with caution. Think it through. She will respect you better for it, and you will be better off."
Sharra can't help but look in the direction of the other woman, frowning.
"Well, at least you're not telling me to run away screaming." Hm. "She kept track of me because of my connection to you? That seems... unlikely." Why unlikely? Rhae - Revan - was one of, if not the most powerful Force user in the galaxy, or at least this corner of it. But. Hm. "I'll be mindful, master."
"The other is very much a figure from your past, and an unpleasant chapter of it. Atris, master of the archives at the temple on Coruscant, has watched your movements for some time now. I do not know her motivations; she is a strange one. I sensed deep emotion within her, though she held back in my presence. Many Jedi must regulate themselves carefully in my presence, however, so I cannot draw many conclusions."
He sighs.
"I still do not know what I was thinking. That is, I know what took me on this journey the first time, but not what occurred that I returned a conqueror. A Sith. I am not sure I will ever know. My memories of the years I was fallen are lost to me.
"I am sorry to have shamed you this way."
Does she feel shamed? She's hardly had time to processes the last - however long it's been. But this.
Furious. Guilty. Terrified. A deep longing and loneliness. Emptiness. She hasn't felt the presence of her master in so long. She should have known.
And shame? Yes. She's ashamed of him.
He reaches out to her, as though to touch, "When my memories were taken from me, and I had to begin anew, it was my bond with the woman who has since become my wife, and the support of friends I made throughout my journey, which made my training possible. I encourage you to look for similar bonds. This was always your greatest strength, after all."
Sharra nods, and shifts a little bit, trying to get comfortable. She has no idea how she used to sit like this for so long. Her ass already hurts.
"You were right when you said I felt it. When I was fighting Coorta and his men. And..." she stops, and considers her words and experiences. "I don't think it was the first time."
"Hm. How strange, to meet two people who reject the Force in one day," she says, amused, "Very well, I will bow to your wishes in this."
"As it is, for now, you will need to be close to him in order to hear the Force. Perhaps over time your connection may be re-broadened on its own, but this will take time."
"Indeed. And perhaps you are even happy, as well. But are you fulfilled? Can you live the life you see stretching ahead of you, your regrets hanging from your shoulders until the day you die? These are questions only you can answer, but if your answer is yes, then I will leave you be. If no...?
"Then you may have need of me."
"Mmm. I want." She pauses then and puts her bowl to the side. Thinks back to the holorecording. "It's different than a normal holo. With Jedi - well. Not all Jedi, Rhae was the only one that I've encountered that could do it... it's like a two way conversation. He has a way with the Force to know what I'm saying, to a point. Not the direct words, but the meaning behind it."
He pulls back a bit, after a moment.
"Look, I- they trained me as a- a killer. A Jedi killer. I was good at it. I was really good at it." His eyes are still on her cleavage! This is safer than eye-contact. "But I'm not that, not anymore. I'm just- a guy. With some skills."
"-I was with the army, you know, during the Mandalorian wars. I was in training, when Malachor V happened. Never really did any fighting then. Then- then Revan and Malak went off, and when they came back it was all- I. Don't know how to describe it. It was like, it didn't matter what he asked us to do, anymore. He'd always led us right before, you know? If he said the Republic needed conquering, then, well... He called, we came."
He nods, relief tinging his nearly frantic exposition.
"So you know, it was- when I got recommended for special training, it was an honour. And- he wasn't really training us himself, but he watched, sometimes. Kept up with our progress. I was in the first cohort," he adds, shame and pride warring within him, "I was the best of the first cohort. He couldn't even tell I was there."
"Yeah. It's my signature skill. A Jedi can walk right by me while I'm lining up a shot, and have no idea I'm going to kill them. All they'll hear is- snatches of conversation from nearby, some gamblers in the canteen counting cards, maybe some lustful thoughts. Be what they expect, and you become invisible."
"Probably. Some of them were Jedi who left after the war. Revan wanted... It all came down to the Jedi, you know? Soldiers could kill each other, they could bombard planets to their death, but if the Jedi still fought us it didn't matter. Revan knew that. So we targeted Jedi, to kill them, and- to turn them. If we could make them see our point of view, then we'd get one more on our side, and one more off theirs."
She hates that she can see his logic. The logic behind all of Rhae - Revan's plans and strategies. She doesn't understand how he got there. But once he's there everything just makes sense.
"You can't truly kill the Jedi. Not when there's a light of hope still lit. Turning them though..." Yeah.
Sharra doesn't have words. She does have words. So many words. Love, comfort, comparison. Recriminations. And yet-
She just holds him close. Feeling him in her head, his emotions and feelings and panic-thoughts. The loud internal screaming. The hateguiltpanic.
Sharra holds him close. Calming her thoughts. Stepping back from their emotions and leaving only peace. She can do this for him. If nothing else.
"Yes, but that's not why he taught me. 'Culture', he said. That it's important to have skills that have nothing to do with the Force. Plus, it's helpful for relaxation and great for infiltration. I can't count the number times I went undercover as a musician for some mission or another. People talk around you. Don't really see you."