Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
...she lets out a deep involuntary breath and leans into him. Atton.
Warm. Soft. Solid and easy and safe.
It takes him much longer to relax into the hug, but even he can only be vigilant in the face of comfort so long. He breathes in and out slow and steady, rustling her hair with every breath.
She calms. She still has that knowledge she once had. The training. Even if the majority of it is useless to her now, calming herself with meditation was etched into her very soul. She needed it then, and after. More than anything else, the after.
Sharra runs her hand down his chest, just a touch. "We could leave. M'sure they'd be happy to watch us go."
She looks up at him, resting her chin on his chest.
"Our problems include homicidal droids, probable attempted murder and being locked up in a force cage for a week. Why can't we run?"
"I guess Coorta might follow us," he muses. "But hey, outside the station I could just shoot him."
"The freighter? Yeah, he's not slick enough to sneak onto a ship without us noticing," he admits. "Isn't it grounded, though? Some kind of damage to the hyperdrive?"
"I'm no ship mechanic but I might be able to fix it with some help. I've done some work on hyperdrives before."
" came in with a couple utility droids," he suggests, "They might know something about it. Probably need a kick in the can if they aren't already at work on the station, though."
She reaches up to touch his face. Running her thumb lightly over his jaw.
"Really gonna run away with me? I don't have a lot of money. They're not going to pay us after we skimp out on our contracts with a stolen ship."
He smirks, "Hey, I'm a pilot, you're a mechanic; we could do some shipping, maybe a little smuggling on the side..."
"Maybe," he admits nothing. "Wasn't really planning to live out my days as a security grunt on a backwater mining station that could blow up at any moment, though."
"It's not so bad. But I do miss. Everything. The freedom of travel. Being able to dictate my own schedule. Not having Coorta lurking around every corner waiting to jump me and sell me off into slavery."
"Maybe before you brought a gun into the lower levels, you could have," she says, laughing.
He shrugs! "If we're abandoning ship anyway, wanna go through the secure storage and take some contraband? They have a stealth field generator," he tempts.
"...why is there a stealth field generator in secure storage? Why would someone bring one to a mining facility in the outer rim??"
She kisses him! "It wasn't my first choice, and I have only a few regrets, considering everything."
Kiss! "Well, I'm full of regrets. Let's get out of here before we make more of them?"