Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
Sharra gets back to her feet and makes her way back to the lift. They're getting out of here. She's going to collect Atton from his cell, there will be no problems — he's needed somewhere, an emergency, Bee trusts her — and they will make their way to the Ebon Hawk without any trouble and get the fuck out of here.
She continues into the room.
"Hey, Kove. How's Kelleani? Popped out the little one yet?"
She continues to the lift.
"I'm just going to go see Atton, you can come with me, if you want."
He growls, shaking the laser at her, "I'll shoot! Stop!"
The lift opens behind him, revealing another human, Renil, tall and rangy and generally avoided for his hair-trigger temper and cutting words. He also holds a mining laser, and he steps up beside Kove with a scowl, "Useless idiot, hold that straight. Stop moving, Garon. Kove might be a soft sack of shit, but I'll shoot you."
"For what? You really think Coorta is going to split whatever creds he thinks he's gonna get with you? You know him just as well as I do."
She turns around. "They're not going to give him anything. They're after Jedi, and I am no Jedi."
She's not going to explain herself to this asshole. "What happens now? You're going to give me up to some assassin droid and, what, be showered in non existent credits?"
Alive, then?
She moves quickly, lashing out with her palm and strikea him in the throat. She ducks down immediately and throws herself back and through the other men, into the lift.
She throws herself into him, and into the wall, with said shoulder. While still more screaming.
-he makes a sort of breathless squeaky noise, staggering to the side. The other one - one of the new guys, he'd come in with the latest fuel pickup from Telos - accepts the punch to the face with a grunt and the crack of broken cartilage, continuing to grapple with her unabated.
Kove moves in front of the lift console, laser pointed but uncertain where to shoot with all the flailing.
She doesn't really know what all happens with the new guy, but she does know that he eventually gets thrown into Kove, and also that her shoulder is PAIN.