Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
-he jerks to the right a few centimeters as the shot lands, widening the space between himself and the shot.
"Sithspit! It's me!" He holds his hands up!
"No shit we have to go now, the droids are in full revolt up there," he says, approaching her now. He has both their pillows in hand, acting as impromptu sacks.
"And- your shoulder!"
He leans down for a better look, hands hovering over the injury.
She hands him the kolto patches. "Protocol droid is an assassin. Must have convinced Coorta and his goons to help it grab me."
He takes them and starts patching her up!
"The droid? Hells," he huffs, "Not surprised it was a droid behind all the killer droids, but Coorta wouldn't work with one of them. He trusts 'em less than I do."
He nods, "Could have taken a voiceprint and manipulated a holocall," he agrees. "Doesn't matter, really. It had total access to mechanical. Speaking of, I passed mechanical on my way here, seemed like Uthuar had the place locked up to keep the mining droids out. Seems like they've pretty much taken over the station. I didn't see any bodies on my way down here, though. Their lasers weren't even making a mark on the durasteel," he adds, thinking back, somewhat surprised.
"Routine to lower the settings if any of their parameters changed. Should be stuck there," she says, shaking her head. "If we go, it should stop. It'll follow, no reason to continue killing."
She takes his arm and starts to pull him back to the ship.
"-I'm not done!" he squawks, nimble fingers just saving the half-used kolto pack he was setting over her wound. Still, he follows her down the ramp despite his protests.
Busy! More pulling and running towards the Hawk. Probably bypassing Coorta and his crew on the way?
Indeed, and Atton does a double-take as they pass the three of them on the ground outside the ship, "Kove, really? Wouldn't have taken him for it."
"Creds," is all she has to say to that. Up the ramp they go. "Push off!" she shouts to Isk, once they're inside. "He'll take over once we're clear of the station."
Onwards to the cock-pit. "T7-I17 and T3-M4. T7 was Revan's droid companion when I was a padawan. I trust them."
"Oh, sure, if it was Revan's companion," he mutters. "And stop moving and let me put this patch on, damn it!"
He takes the opportunity to stick the patch back on, over her wound, holding it there until it properly sticks. Conveniently it means he doesn't have to look at her just now.
"-I have those," he huffs, "Hold this on," he demands of her, "Need to go enter them into the navigation computer."