Sharra is tired and annoyed and her feet hurt and she's pretty sure someone is trying to kill her and she hasn't eaten since the night before and —
"Is this some sort of mass murder suicide thing??"
Terrified-guilty-suspicious-betrayed-on the edge of a wide fathomless void about to-
"No," she says instead. Everything starts throbbing, her arm finallyfinally screaming in agony. The lights of the Hawk pierce into her brain and everything goes sharp-hard. "Where. Am I need," she manages to get out.
T3 whistles concern!
<Friend Mechanic damaged,> he rolls over to her, settling under her good arm, <Charging station?>
<T3 will check! Friend Mechanic sit!>
He trundles out from under her arm and down the hall to communications and the cockpit.
A short time later, Isk appears at her side.
<Little Jedi,> they prod her carefully, <T3-M4 on turret. Will stay. Damage report.>
She receives a short blat and another prod, <Damage to chassis,> they clarify, before adding, <This droid cannot advise on Force.>
<Work-around for damaged wiring?> they suggest, after a moment, <This droid did nothing. Attempt cooling protocols?>
<Unknown Regions. Ordered T3-M4 to bring ship back. Sought Sith. Stupid Jedi,> they add, <Found Sith before. Became Sith.>
She doesn't understand. Understands the words and the meaning, but -
"I'm going to pass out."
Beep! <Will guard.>
They nudge her towards the medbay bed, which she will be able to fall on without effort.
She feels worry. Foreign, and fuzzy, but there.
She feels a hand brushing through her hair.
Thirsty. Leans into her Atton. Wanting more.
"Don't leave," she mumbles, tongue thick and dry.
He keeps petting her.
"We're running, actually," he tells her, "Well, not right now. Right now we're orbiting a moon a few systems away."
"Ship's got a lot of quirks," he shifts on the bed, sliding an arm under her, "But I know what I'm doing."
Presses so so so close into him. Face against his chest. Safe.
"Best pilot in the galaxy," she echoes.