elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<You would probably still need a substantial fraction of the relevant bodyguards, because the host would presumably attempt to escape while the Yeerk was in the Pool and if anyone walked in and saw ->


"Could cover for that with the First Lady," Bella says. "Just have them on a staggered schedule, keep restraints and a gag around."


<...those would not provoke alarm if discovered?>


<All right. We can check whether the President's schedule frequently involves being away from his partner for an extended times and if not, whether that changed at some point.>


"Yeah. There may be a way to do it without her but not nearly as easily."


<No one else has routine unsupervised access?>


"He might occasionally get genuine privacy with other family members but the only person I'm positive will not even have a Secret Service guy lurking when they're alone is his wife."


<So at a minimum it is the place to check first. Thank you.>





<The President's intimate partner would definitely be his wife?>


"...He might have others but not openly, might be genuinely hard for the Yeerks to find out, no news of an affair has broken and the media eats that kind of thing up; and I wouldn't expect structures in place to make sure that they could go unsupervised on a sufficiently reliable every-three-days basis, it'd probably have to be more opportunistic than that."


He does the tail-flick that corresponds to a nod. <Thank you. I think that is enough to start planning reconnaissance around.>


"Congresspeople are less supervised and prone to having affairs," she mentions, "so the expectation that if they have the President they have the First Lady doesn't apply there."


<To what degree are humans paired, officially or unofficially...>


<Should we have a stable expectation that adult humans have a partner, if we are pretending to be humans will it be surprising if we do not have one, are all partnerships of a male and a female, do they exist even if there are no children, if humans are partnered are they likely to have licit or illicit other relationships...>


"Oh. Many but not all adult humans have romantic partners, either fairly informally or married as an ostensibly lifelong commitment which doesn't always work out that way. At the age you present as with the morphs I've seen you guys in it might be slightly odd if you claimed to have never ever had one but not odd not to have one at the moment; if you morph older than that it gets likelier that you'd have paired off and also likelier that if you had a partner it would be a spouse, but it's not impossible for humans to stay single their whole lives or wind up broken up or divorced or widowed at any point. Most romantic partnerships are opposite-sex, and in most social circles and virtually all institutional structures those relationships are privileged and same-sex ones stigmatized, often to the point that people with same-sex partners don't tell anybody or only tell a small number of people they're close to. Humans do all this regardless of whether they want kids but it is not unreasonable to ask someone who's gotten married if they're planning on reproducing, and some people reproduce, in some cases by accident, without being married or having secured investment on the kids from their partner, which is more or less stigmatized in various circles too. Humans have illicit other relationships all the time and it's a common cause of breakups. Licit ones are uncommon, virtually never institutionally supported or socially popularized, but not impossible in principle."


This is a useful answer; he is not wagging his tail, Andalite tails are deadly weapons and do not wag, but he might be swishing it. <Thank you.>


"You're welcome. - Nobody's hit on any morphed Andalites yet, have they? I suppose it's possible you wouldn't have even noticed..."


<How would that situation be identifiable if it arose?>


"Inconveniently a lot of human flirting involves a very gradual dismantling of plausible deniability about that being what they're up to. And subtle body language and tone of voice stuff I probably can't describe usefully. And it's intensely culture-laden so like if somebody in America has asked you if you would like to get a cup of coffee that was probably hitting on you but if somebody in Buenos Aires did the same thing for all I know that'd be totally innocent."


<Is this likely to cause strategic problems at some point?>


"Probably not. The main way being oblivious to it would be liable to get you into trouble would be if you actually went and got coffee with somebody only to discover that the coffee was metaphorical, and presumably that is not something you're inclined to do."


<I do not think interpersonal interactions while in morph are a good way to identify valuable human allies, no.>

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