elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"A lot is ostensibly known about both but you have to assume his entire media presence and that of everyone close to him is very carefully curated. He'll be up for reelection in a year and has to manage public opinion to keep his office at that time, which unfortunately is a lot more about giving people an appealing picture of his personal character than about making intelligent policy proposals."


<Democracy has its disadvantages,> he agrees readily.


"It works really well for some things, but straightforward predictable handling of extraterrestrial visitors isn't one of 'em. Although I'm not sure other human forms of government would do much better on that front either."


<We have first contact procedures but I expect I will end up discarding them even if it is possible to go directly to your president.>


"Oh? What are they?"


<Most relevant is the injunction against disclosing any information about us or our technology.>


"...how do you do first contact without, bare minimum, 'we are aliens with interstellar travel'."


<Our home world is only eighty-seven of your lightyears from here. I could claim to have gotten here very slowly.> Tail-flop.


<If it had not gone so badly with the Yeerks ->


<The problem is that if the President decides to launch your primitive missiles at the Blade ship in orbit we could not do much at that point to stop him. It would go badly if I tried seizing your government.>


"Would Earth tech be able to detect it? I was assuming if that were doable it'd have happened already, some astronomers or the military would've noticed."


<No. You would not stand a chance. Some people would try anyway.>


"I'd like to say he's not unhinged enough to start aiming missiles vaguely at the sky trying to hit something he can't see but I don't actually know."


<We can teach you how to see them, too, it just seems very likely that the Yeerks will find a way to infiltrate an operation as large-scale as that.>


<Have you thought of any other angles of approach while we are still investigating?>


"You could thoughtspeak him at range, it's more likely to spook him than the phone idea but it's less theoretically hoaxable."


<And it is less likely that anyone listening in would be a Controller.>


"Yeah, I don't know whether to expect the phone lines otherwise reserved for, like, 'Russia launches nuclear war' to be monitored but if they were it'd be a place the Yeerks would want to have somebody stashed."


<Yeerks should not want a nuclear war; it is not as if it diminishes human military capabilities relative to theirs meaningfully, and it does kill lots of potential hosts and lots of the industrial bases they presumably desire to turn to the task of making them more ships to take over more worlds if they win on Earth. I do not know if they would have thought to monitor for a nuclear war but probably.>


"How smart should I assume they are, generally? It'd be hard to get the President but I do not think it'd be impossible - also how much field work should I assume Visser Three may do as their only morph-capable?"


<It would surprise me if he does much which runs a risk of being ignomiously squished. Yeerks are - probably internally divided and badly incentivized on a personnel level enough to not be acting optimally for taking over your world, but they are certainly smart.



And Alloran was brilliant, and I do not know enough about how Yeerk control works to guess the extent to which the Visser has - access to that.>


"If I were coming up with a plan to get the President Yeerked I'd go through the First Lady, who has to have some unsupervised access to him - how portable are Yeerks outside hosts, how long does it take one to go in, would it wake up somebody from sleep -"


<They can survive a few minutes in air, at least a day in water. It takes them a while to get - wholly settled - but you might not wake from sleeping and even if you did, you'd probably have lost motor control by then. The greater challenge would be ensuring regular access to a pool.>


"Yeah, for that you'd need a substantial fraction of the Secret Service, unless there's a way to do a teeny one-Yeerk pool and keep it in a cupboard or something."

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