elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"So like about as old as cellphones, not that new."


<Travel between star systems is not instantaneous. It is a safe assumption that if a technology is recent enough that it only became a consumer product in the last few years, all sorts of interesting experiments with other sapient species have not yet been conducted.>


<After the war, maybe.> Sigh.


<My objectives for today if you two are ready were to teach you how to use a shredder, get you an Andalite morph, and then practice morphing under distracting or uncomfortable conditions - underwater, subject to annoyingly loud noises, and so on.>


"Sounds like a plan. We'll have to learn to do the phenotype blending thing for the Andalite morph."


And there follows an explanation of how to do the phenotype blending thing, mostly for Bella's benefit because Andi will probably just be able to do it. Estreens are very fortunate in that respect.


"And who are we acquiring for this?"


There are a dozen Andalites currently around! They should each be able to get a good blend from five or so.


"So when you did this with humans you all got really pretty humans, does that just kind of happen automatically when you mix stuff up or what?"


<If you are concentrating on not including any defects you will get a body free of them, even if the sources had minor defects. No one with defects is permitted in our military so the effect will likely be less pronounced, but you will probably by default be young, symmetrical, healthy, and therefore pretty Andalites.>


And Andi nods and goes off in private to save her clothes the experience and trots out.


It takes Bella a while longer to compose a phenotype but eventually she emerges too.


<I thought there weren't supposed to be too many instincts this is totally more instincts than a goose. I feel like I should have pockets I don't know what to do with my arms if I'm not running maybe I should run running would be fun. Oh wow I'm eating with my feet I wasn't even trying to do that. Bella why aren't you looking at me don't you like me.>


<Of course I like you, what are you talking about?> Bella asks, swiveling a stalk eye toward Andi. <The visual processing is wild, wow.>


They are both adequately unremarkable Andalites. Alloran will not recognize them but then he did not know everybody. 


Andi runs around! Running is fun!


<What's with her thinking it means I don't like her if I'm not looking at her?>


<To avert all four of your eyes from someone is fairly unusual.>


<I guess that makes sense as long as you've got 'em to spare.> Bella politely looks at Andi while Andi cavorts. She cavorts a little bit too to get used to the four-leggedness. She lashes her tail possibly more than is polite. <Having a tail is awesome.>


<It is> he agrees. <Also deadly. I am not going to teach you to tail-fight; it would be apparent immediately to any Yeerk that you are an amateur. But do at least learn caution with it; you could injure someone.>


<Yeah.> She manages her tail a bit more conservatively, keeps one stalk eye aimed behind her. <It is so trippy to have three different angles on the world like this.>


<Are there not Earth animals with a full field of vision?>


<Predators do binocular vision, prey does the one eye on each side of the head thing but still have blind spots and most of them can't move their eyes independently, chameleons can move their eyes independently but still only have two and their eyes are still stuck in their heads, I guess some bugs and snails and stuff have outright stalk eyes but it'd still be just two of them without the extra set in the head and we haven't tried those.>

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