elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<It is a very good feature. I am surprised none of Earth's astonishing array of species arrived at it.>


<We turn our heads more, I think. And maybe rely on hearing more? Seems like you hear okay but it's harder to localize the sounds...>


<Since you use hearing for communication it makes sense yours would be more acute.>


<Yeah. Rabbits are pretty quiet animals and don't eat anything that might make noise and still have pretty good ability to hear where things are though.>


<Inform me when you are ready to practice weapons.>


<Is that best done with the extra fingers?>


<Yes. It will also be useful for you to determine how to make it work with human hands, but our weapons are designed for us.>


And they abort their cavorting to come learn to shred things.


This is a shredder. These are its settings: stun, kill, leave really large gaping holes.


<How much risk of injurious side effect is there on the stun setting?>


<That depends on the target species. The computers estimate that with humans the most significant risk is head injuries sustained from falling over after being stunned.>


<Gotcha. Are they different underlying beams or does there just happen to exist a beam that actually goes uncomplicatedly from 'stun' to 'kill'? To what extent should we worry about battery charge?>


<Both the stun and kill settings stop electrical activity in the brain; the kill setting does so less reversibly. It is not exactly 'the same thing, scaled up' but that is a closer approximation than 'different underlying beams'.> And there is a half-hour talk on weapon caution and maintenance and storage. <Battery for these will therefore not be a problem until ship fuel starts to be one, which is, in my estimation, in a month at current usage.>


<Do you have a plan for local power generation or siphoning off the grid or something?>


<The ships cannot be fueled with electricity from your electrical systems. We will probably have to build our own generators, and are scouting supplies and locations for that.>


<...I can't nod with this neck. Is there a nodding-equivalent.>


He does a sort of tail flick.


Flick. <Cool. Hey Andi I wonder if you can do an Andalite with human neck flexibility?>


<That sounds way harder than moose antlers.>


<That sounds rather alarming even were it possible.>


<Would you not be alarmed by a human with an owl's neck flexibility?>


<I suppose. But that's a good idea too if you can pull it off, Andi!>


And then target practice, and target practice with various distractions like weapons being fired all around them and Hork-Bajir charging at them, and then they are at nearly two hours.

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