elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Snort. "Then you should be fine. It's also customary for women not to do the approaching and you're all guys and any guys who wanted to approach you would probably do so in a much narrower set of contexts due to the aforementioned stigma so it may not come up at all."


<If there's a stigmatized and therefore somewhat separate community of people who frequently proposition strangers for intimate interactions that would be a good way for Yeerks to infest a lot of people.>


"...and now I have a mental image of a dude at a gay bar with a Yeerk in a thermos in his backpack, great. Uh, yeah, that could be a vector but it's probably not an efficient way to go after a specific target chosen for unrelated reasons. I think I'd be more worried about doctors and dentists, and of course there's always the Sharing."


<We have not yet been able to establish the extent to which Yeerks are selecting specific targets and the extent to which they are just trying to get lots of Yeerks hosted relatively quickly. Hopefully they are being selective, as that would suggest they do not yet have the resources to feed a million Yeerks.>


"I would actually be quite worried about medical professions as a one-to-many infestation source."


<Frequently have unsupervised contact with many strangers?>


"Yep. And access to lots of private information about how healthy they are and wouldn't even need to start an altercation to introduce something to the ear canal."


<I can organize reconnaissance around that principle.



The solution I am currently leaning toward is to spend a few months information-gathering, try to identify all the pools on the surface, then hit them all at once.>


"They must have ways to generate Kandrona on their ships - actually, come to think of it, is there any reason to assume they have more Yeerks than shipboard generator capacity? Did they all have to travel here or are they liable to have multiplied since?"


<They are liable to have multiplied, but may not have left at shipboard generator capacity. In any event if they have to all leave the planet to feed then, if it does not end the world, we teach the human military how to get past their shielding.>


<And if in our estimation that would end the world, we just continue stalling them until the fleet comes. If there are no Yeerk installations planetside the fleet can take out the Yeerks without significant collateral damage.>


"How long's the fleet liable to take?"


<...that is complicated.>


<For internal political reasons the fleet was divided on coming here. There are forces that are not far at all and might rendezvous with our survivors and attempt something right away, but they do not have the strength to win that fight unless some extraordinary fortune accompanies them. There is the High Council which is balancing many concerns as urgent as this one and if they knew we were here would probably tell us to just kill everyone.>


<If the Yeerks are inhibited from continuing to operate planetside at all then we can teach your people the ships you'll need ourselves. If the Yeerks do not escalate then we can just continually stall. But if they escalate or we cannot get to all of them and help fails to come, I do not have any good ideas.>


<I am sorry.>


"You showed up. I'm glad you showed up."


<I hope I showed up for more than a mercy-genocide.>


"That'd be nice but a mercy-genocide improves substantially on Yeerks infesting everybody and breeding us as slaves and using us to go take over more planets."


<We are well aware of that and prepared to do it.> Sigh.


"So. I'm glad you showed up."

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