elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<I feel exceedingly fortunate that you were one of the first two dozen humans we spoke to. None of the next hundred were similarly helpful.>


Tail-movement. <It is late by local time. I should go reflect. Good night.>


The Buenos Aires team is sent into the Andes to look at that mining operation; another team is deployed to look at a materials supplier for the Sharing; two others are sent out to Forks and Boise, where they have reason to believe there are Yeerk pools. Matirin asks Bella and Andi to stay in camp but listen in on the transmitted activities of the Boise team and tell him how they'd handle a similar assignment.


They can do that. What's the Boise team up to? What's the exact mission objective?


Find the Pool, find the highest-ranking local Yeerk, figure out the Pool's security well enough to describe a good operation to go destroy it, in that order. 


And their reasons to believe Boise has a Pool at all...?


There's a big Sharing retreat held here every year.


Yep, that'd be a reason.

Sharing meetings are a good opportunity for people to slip away to feed their Yeerks; checking out the venues when there's not a meeting in session and looking for entrances that would be easy to secure and unobtrusive to have people slipping in and out of seems like a good first step to Bella.


Here is a map of the publicly accessible parts of the YMCA complex where the Sharing retreats happen!


Signs of recent construction? Or recently applied 'employees only' signs? Basement access with a key in the elevator?


 New tennis courts here, new 'employees only' signs here and here and here - as far as they can tell, at least - and the elevators look like this the Andalites are not sure how to interpret all the buttons.


She can tell them how to interpret the buttons.


They narrow it down, go housefly, and follow someone in. Looks like punching the right series of elevator buttons does it, and there's also an access point sized for trucks which is in the process of being sealed up. They debate whether to plant a tiny camera. On the one hand they could learn traffic and Controllers in the city and learn of changes to its security; on the other, if the device were found, it would make it obvious there were Andalites around.


Maybe they should get something a human could have dropped instead of an Andalite camera? Or, the rest of the Y may have security cameras, perhaps they could hack into those and get some if not complete traffic data.


<What is something a human might have dropped?>


"Cellphone. Slightly implausible that it wouldn't be noticed missing; more plausible if it has a cracked screen or something and could have been replaced. One of those walkie-talkies security guards have, bonus points if you get the model the Y security use and it looks like somebody just wandered off with one of theirs. Tape recorder but then you'd have to collect it to listen to the tape. Presumably any of the above would prompt investigation but I don't know how suspicious nobody admitting to dropping the things would be. They all have battery life limitations though."


They compare a few dozen options and end up deciding to leave nothing for now and perhaps reconsider when they're closer to the simultaneous pool attack. 

And now for identifying the ranking Yeerk.


"How prone to changing hosts around are they?"


It is not recorded to happen very often except when getting a more valuable host as a promotion.


"So can't assume it's the most high-status or comfortable host. Might be more likely to be one who's pretending to be dead. Maybe somebody who - not leads, but is close to the leadership of, the Sharing? Because they wouldn't want that as a full time job but would want a way to keep an eye on it?"


They find some unremarkable local animals, morph them, check out these people for unusual levels of activity. They identify some candidates. (Meanwhile, the same process is happening with the other field teams; Matirin is loosely tracking all the operations, four eyes swivelling.)


Bella waits for news, thinking.


Here are ten profiles of Controllers who could be in charge here - two ostensibly dead, four retired, the rest employed by the Sharing.

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