elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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And they spent the rest of the evening discussing more options and more contingencies.


And eventually Bella and Andi, the former with her head completely shaved and the latter sporting a blue mohawk, each equipped with cat morphs, go to Miami and ride around on the bus, sitting next to people who look dozy or unhealthy in some way and are unlikely to (respectively) notice, or notice the significance of, a moment's trance. They try the cat door thing too; the cat morphs can haul a shredder in their teeth okay when the shredder is wearing a fabric sleeve with a tail to make it resemble a cat toy. The first house somebody's awake, the second's empty, the third they manage to stun and then acquire four people and get away clean. They compose themselves new human morphs out of their new material.


They are more convincing humans than the Andalites, and perfectly good at responding well on the fly to unexpected complications, and they remember and act on their contingency plans, and volunteer later how these could have been improved. He has no reservations about sending them off on the second round of scouting Sharing-chapter cities.


They can also drive! If that's useful!


It is useful to know! If they can show the Andalites the documentation people need to drive then the Andalites can fake some to go with whatever morph they will be using.


The girls didn't have their licenses on them when abducted but Charlie did but they left it in his pocket on the morphed rat. There are pictures on the Internet. It'll vary with the locale; for Berkeley it should look like so. They name their aliases. Bella's going to be Nikki Carter and Andi's going to be Jennifer Lee.


And if they explain the way they came up with names then the Andalites can have a long list of plausible names so everyone has one if asked. 


Nikki Carter and Jennifer Lee have drivers' licenses claiming they are 25 and a valid credit card so they can rent a car if it comes up.


Cool. (Sure, lots of names are available, gotta remember to at least vaguely match your ethnicity, if you go around calling yourself Something Cohen people are going to assume thus and such, avoid any combinations with their own Wikipedia page -)

And they go to Berkeley and get separate hotel rooms within thoughtspeak range of each other and scout Berkeley.


The Sharing meets Tuesday evenings for a book club and Friday evenings for a movie night and Sundays for a talk. This week's talk is about racial justice, by a visiting moderately-famous activist, and there are fliers up all around the UC Berkeley campus and the BART stations. There are two major hospitals, if they suspect those are being used for infestation.


The fliers mean the girls can check out the venues in advance looking for likely pool entrances.


It's a church. They share it with the Unitararian Universalists. There's a daycare and kids running around outside.



Well. Locked doors?


Basement or anything?


Yep. Locked doors down here.


Based on Boise they prefer passcode arrangements to giving everybody keys, anything look set up for that?


Oh, look, that's a keypad. Humans would probably also have had to say something to the person at the front, for that matter.


This finding is reported to the rest of the team. Somebody can go in and watch during/after the meeting for confirmation; Bella or Andi can do it if everybody else is following other leads?


Everyone's pretty busy. Do they have a morph for the meeting?


Bella was thinking "fly on the wall".


Works. They all meet up in the hotel room to share leads - the head of the Sharing is the spouse of a prominent local politician, they're looking into who he's met with recently and what laws or policies he's pushing for -


"Expect a lot of noise in that, substantial amounts of politics is trading favors."


That is useful to know. He does not have a website. How does a prominent politician not have a website?


Bella's not actually old enough to vote so this is news to her too. It does seem like a silly omission.


There'll be someone waiting outside the meeting room for Bella in case things go badly wrong somehow.

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