elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Andi manages what seems to be genuinely pure shrinkage. Bella points out that flies are loud in the air. Andi works on doing the same thing on her way to gnat.


And can she do it coming out of fly or gnat - turn into a tiny humanoid before she grows again?


That's harder for some reason. She practices.

Yeah she can do that.


So the whole operation, should it be necessary to get through a biofilter: morph gnat, partially demorph to a tiny humanoid, return to gnat?


"Does a partial demorph reset the time limit?"


"Anyway yeah I think I can do that. We'll be able to like, see the biofilters, right?"


"There's no way they whitelist every species of bacteria in the gut - do bacteria not count, or do things inside other organisms not count?"


<They would probably only target things with DNA, since that is what morphing technology requires. I do not know if in addition to that things inside other organisms would fail to register.>


"Bacteria have DNA."


<My world's bacteria are not morphable due to a fundamental difference in genetic structure. I suppose Earth's might not have that problem. Has anyone attempted it?>


"No, we have not tried morphing bacteria. Can we morph plants?" Bella wonders.


<Not on the Andalite homeworld.> He concentrates for a second. <No, not here either.>


"Plants would probably be easier than bacteria, they have nuclei and stuff."


He looks up the smallest Earth animals on the computer. <Adult males of the parasitic wasp species Dicopomorpha echmepterygis can be as small as 139 μm long. I am not sure how we would acquire them but that seems potentially useful.>


"Yeah, but if the biofilters are ignoring bacteria as a class, and not very tiny things as a class, it doesn't help us there. If they're ignoring things inside other things then we could maybe sneak in people's ears or something."


"I repeat would we be able to see the biofilters or would they be a nasty surprise."


<Unless the technology has advanced substantially we would be able to see them. It is a sort of blue light, and an installation around the doorway.>


"Will they definitely be able to install them tightly enough that we couldn't go around?"


<I do not know much about the mobility of the microscopic wasp. I imagine they will be installed tightly enough we couldn't go around in larger morphs than that. We could also destroy the biofilter, if we are dispensing at that point with stealth.>


"It seems like it might require other architectural renovations too to make sure the place was ant-tight, let alone ridiculously-small-wasp-tight."


<I will add 'alternate avenues of entry in morph' to the list of things to look for in each city.>


"If I go really really small how do I like even work. Like does it even make sense to be a human that small."


<There might be some bound, but most of the molecule-by-molecule mass can be stored in z-space while the projection on Earth functions normally.>

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