elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Now the only remaining challenge is identifying a high-ranking Yeerk to try to capture for information at the same time as we destroy the pools.>


No one has a promising lead there.


"Does it seem likely the higher ranking ones would be on a different cycle than the ones who show up just for Sharing meetings, so they wouldn't be indisposed at the time?"


<If I were an important Yeerk I'd go every two days, so it never got close. Or have private access, but that will be hard to identify if that is what is going on.>


"I still think it would make a lot of sense to have mini-pools - and a two day schedule would still have them indisposed with everyone else, every six, maybe two or two and a half depending -"


<There might be cultural reasons for not having mini-pools. They make them - elaborate. More so than you would expect is strategically wise.>


"It was definitely that, yep."


And they discuss how best to check whether any Controllers are not using that pool and if so, whether to follow them.


Could monitor phone calls of the people who do use that pool, see if they say anything that doesn't seem necessary as impersonatory cover to people who do not use this pool. Labor intensive though.


Maybe the sort of thing ex-Controllers unwilling to walk into pools with a suicide vest might help them with. 


And food is delivered, and the Andalites delight in it and eat exactly the maximum their prince has set as a rule here, and then everyone goes to bed.


And the twins continue to spy on Controllers as seems potentially useful.


They identify some who must be high-ranking. Not everyone goes to the main pool, either, so there probably are miniature pools somewhere.


Minis or just a secondary one, less used, maybe harder to get to.


No luck on finding it, though.


Irritating. She does not want them to have backups.


What would be useful would be to get at the Kandrona generators. But that's going to require interrogating the right Yeerk, and they probably won't want to volunteer it.


Yep. Unless they can go through old satellite photography, find somebody digging a weird hole?


They check. This planet's almost but not quite at the point of taking regular high-resolution satellite picutures that would let that approach work.



If they think they know the range they could maybe at least rule out swaths of it with maps of the plumbing and gas mains and so on?


They think it's pretty short-range. Are there digging critters they could use to go feel out the whole potential area?


There are lots of digging critters. None of them are really fast and most of the things that are best at digging can't see very well.


Inconvenient. That's probably a for-later, then. 


And their time is up, and they fly home.

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