elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Bella appreciates the backup.


It's hard to parse speech in fly morph. The place is crowded and smells like lots of humans. There is a lot of going in and out. Someone tries to go downstairs without saying anything to the cheerful woman in a plastic chair propping the door open, and the woman smilingly turns her back.


Bella does her best to decipher the words, but at least the fly can see fine and what really matters is if anybody goes down into the probable-pool. If it takes too long for somebody to do that Bella won't dare follow them in lest she be caught at her time limit in a pool.


It will not take nearly that long for somebody to do that.


The fly changes walls.


The person goes downstairs. Punches something into the keypad. Opens another door.


Backup gets the code.

Person gets followed.


It's a long corridor. Fly sense of smell will pick it up before fly eyes, and fly hearing. 


It's big. The side of a cathedral, and there's something of that in the architecture. The sludgy water - the size of an Olympic swimming pool, maybe bigger - has visible currents and eddies. Along the walls there are Hork Bajir, and cages. Couple hundred people, in the cages. Sobbing, or screaming, or huddled in the corner. 


...yup. That. Would be a pool.

It's actually not worse than Bella's imagination.

She notes all the faces in the cages. Bounces them along to her backup. Notes the layout. Counts the Hork-Bajir. Goes and waits for the door to open again or prove to have a gap in it.


Opens again, a couple minutes later. 


The talk is still ongoing upstairs.


And the fly is pretty sure that's all the recon she should try to fit into this morph, right?


She departs the church, demorphs, assumes the form of Nikki Carter, drives back to the hotel.


Where everyone is pleased to hear that Pool security is fairly lax; clearly the Yeerks are not very nervous about, well, this.


Yup. What would they do if they were? Keeping bugs reliably out of places is hard.


There is a technology called a Gleet bio-filter that keeps all things which aren't of an approved species out. They presumably haven't been installed everywhere yet because they're scarce.


"Approved species would have to include 'human' but of course that would be hilariously dangerous..."


<Yep. Depending how many guards, we might be able to walk in human, demorph quickly, and then slaughter our way out, but I imagine the prince will rule it an unacceptable risk.>


Andi doesn't have any strategic remarks but she has hugs for her sister.


<The thing to do if they install biofilters might actually be to find people, starve their Yeerk out or convince the Yeerk to choose a quick death instead, and ask the people if they'd be willing to walk in there with an explosive vest.>


"Hopefully a higher yield one than the standard issue terrorist variety."


<I do not know what humans have but we could destroy the pool with a single volunteer.>

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