elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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No cities seem to have backup pools. There does not seem to be a better way to get locations of the generators than finding someone who should have been present for installation and reading it out of their heads, and they only have three people with Leeran morphs. They decide to scout more cities. 

<We can cover one additional city if you and Andi think you could do this work,> Matirin says to them.


"By ourselves or in a team?"


<In a team.>


"I think we can do that. Might want more morph options than we currently have."


He looks at a list of cities with major Sharing chapters. <What human morphs would you need to fit in in Berkeley?>


"I'd want to look older than we are, pretend to be college age, other than that not much different from what we actually look like in the broad strokes."


<Is it likely to be widely known that you are missing, will your faces be recognized?>


"It's not very likely, but I do think we should go around in morph, we just don't need to vary away from 'white female', there's loads of those."


<But none you have acquired yet.>


"Yeah. And we look similar enough to each other that if we just blend features we'll still maybe be recognized if someone looks at too many milk cartons."


<I do not suppose humans keep human blood or tissue for sale somewhere so we could safely acquire lots of human morphs.>


"Not for sale, no. There's blood banks with blood intended for transfusions. People sell plasma, I don't know if that gives you enough to work with and I don't know where it goes after it's withdrawn. ...In no way am I suggesting it but I'm now randomly curious if haploid samples would work, because some of those are also kept in central locations."


<I do not think so. Morphing requires DNA, but it requires more than that, or you would not get an exact double of a person.>


Oh good she doesn't have to maybe come around to the idea of going and poking everything in a sperm bank yay. "The Red Cross would be the place to get blood from, although a substantial disappearance would probably be noticed."


<Do they discard some? Are their computer systems terrible - yes, all computer systems are terrible ->


"They probably discard any that test positive for diseases but they'd have to do it under a biohazard protocol, unusually difficult to just sift through their trash."


<Do you think you can safely acquire some other humans in Berkeley without being recognized? Are there temporary physical alterations that would make that more achievable - they would vanish when you morphed and then demorphed, just like injuries ->


"- really, even if I shave my head? Can I never get a haircut I want to keep ever again?"


<Goes off some combination of intentions and expectations. Andi might find it easier to keep her haircuts than you, the first time you remorph them, but you should be able to do it.>


"Okay, if we get Andi a good selection of makeup to slap on the both of us and do outrageous things to our hair we shouldn't be recognized by random strangers in Berkeley. What I'd worry about is that people will notice the acquisition trance. We will only be able to find so many people taking naps in libraries."


<Teams so far have mentioned there is nothing remarkable about brushing against people on forms of mechanical transit between stops.>


"Yeah, we could ride a train around - does Berkeley have trains - or a bus, whatever - but if we have the bad luck to run into a Controller they won't just think they dozed off, will they?"


<They might, because Andalites having landed and given humans morphing technology is so implausible, but it could not be relied on.>


"...remind me how fresh the blood has to be, I just had a gross idea."


<Some cells still need to be alive.>

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