elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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What did the dead ones do before being dead?


That's easier to get from the IRS than from turning into a stray dog. One was an accountant; the other ran a liquor store.


Hm, no obvious reason to need to kill off either identity. Bella doesn't have a reason to strongly expect any specific candidate to be in charge here.


They eliminate three and then decide the risk of getting discovered or killed by accident makes it not worth narrowing it down further. They return to the camp and race around in the grass for several hours before everyone settles down to talk about how to destroy a Yeerk pool.


"Where's the generator relative to the liquid?"


Unknown; the generators have a range of at least a quarter-mile and it is probably encased well underground somewhere. 


"Is the liquid relatively trivial to replace or is poisoning it an option?"


Poisoning it kills all the Yeerks currently in the pool, and that would be a setback; it is probably replaceable within a few days. If they turn it to concrete or something it might take longer to fix.


What they need is a way of detecting where the generator is by catching Kandrona rays. Matirin murmurs that someone is working on that.


"Do they have any effect on humans or animals or anything?"


Not more than radio waves do.


How big would the generator have to be? What's the poolside setup for directing rays into the pool?


Here's a sketch of the pool (and the one in Forks, and the one in the Andes). No one is sure how big the generators would have to be. The ones the Andalites gave the Yeerks were like so but that was nearly thirty years ago.


Poolside equipment isn't conveniently directional? Are they sure there's one pool per generator and not - minipools elsewhere in Boise?


They didn't see anyone skip a feeding or go elsewhere for one. It's possible there's someone who has a private pool and who they did not catch at all.


Minipools would complicate things. And if the liquid's easy and the generator's the tricky part it seems like an obvious good idea to have at least a few, for emergencies. If a Yeerk starves the host survives the experience, right, they have to be sure of being able to feed every Yeerk every time or expect to be able to kill off or reinfest those hosts without making a fuss. If there's a Boise suburb which has a pool too that might let them triangulate a better guess of where to look for a buried generator?


Hosts do survive their Yeerk starving, yes. They look at aerial maps of Boise in case there's anything else promising.


...actually do they have a perfect record of killing or reinfesting anybody whose Yeerk starved because their plane home from a business trip was delayed or something, she's not immediately sure how to sort out news about that from other cases of people randomly snapping but here's every way she can think of to reasonably phoneticize "Yeerk" and other key words in English...


There are a couple dozen scattered messageboard posts. There's a terrible website with a rainbow background warning about space slugs. There's something that some people think was a publicity stunt for the upcoming X-Men movies.


Anything that looks like a coverup to an informed observer?


<Some of these people could genuinely have witnessed something. I doubt any were Controllers - if you were, and you escaped, the thing to do would be kill yourself, or maybe if you were enough of an optimist flee very far and drop off the radar...>


"Or kill as many other people you knew to be Controllers as possible first, or try a stunt with a time bomb, or go to the media or the government if you're that optimistic, or try to rescue Controller loved ones..."


Nod. <No way to reach any of them, regrettably. We could trace forum posts but so can the Yeerks.>


<If we are curious how the Yeerks are managing information control we could fabricate some posts, see what bites, but that should wait until we are close to the pool attacks anyway.>

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