elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<We are hopefully improving at not needing it.>


"Yeah, when was the last time you even needed to ask her a humans question?"


<I ask them pretty frequently but it has been several weeks since we had humans questions that were time-sensitive on the scale of hours.>


"Okay, I should be all right then."


<I am sure you will be.> And Bella goes off to Denver, and Andi stays home.


Bella locates the pool in Denver and by sheer luck happens to be there when someone - hosted incongruously by a fifteen year old goth-looking girl - issues orders to the other Controllers and generally looks like she must be high up.


They debate it for a while but decide eventually to kidnap the girl now. They need more information - about the plan, about the generators - and the Yeerks shouldn't know they have a way to imitate bodies. 


So Bella follows her home - her parents are also Controllers and appear to answer to her but they're not around all the time - here's where she lives, here's her parents' work schedules and her school schedule -


Car accident? What is the most plausible sudden accidental death for a teenage girl?


Car accident is it but she can't drive yet, she's fifteen. Could take the entire family.


Catch them with the car stopped, stun them, drag them out of the car, replace them, crash another car into theirs? It would be much easier to do if they could be acquired, and morphed-animal-bodies made for them, in advance; otherwise someone is likely to stumble across the scene in progress.


Also they can't expect them to all three be in the car with no witnesses anytime soon.


They could stun them at home and then fake the car accident elsewhere.


Probably the best idea. In the middle of the night, maybe the night before a feeding - they're on one schedule. They don't have a cat door but they have a mail slot.


So two gnats will go through their mail slot, with two more outside. Bella should be one of them, since she scouted the place.


And she can disable their alarm and open the door for a shredder, since the mail slot isn't big enough to accommodate one.


Shredder. Three, actually, so they can hit them all at once.


Bella morphs a random human phenotype so she can thoughtspeak her teammates - <Stick close to the walls so you creak less, turn the knob all the way before you push the doors open ->

And she goes and stuns the girl.


And they stun the parents. And then they can load them all into the family car and the Andalites morph small and Bella can drive off with them.


She drives with scrupulous adherence to traffic laws. Wouldn't do to get pulled over. She gets them somewhere deserted.


Where they have a veritable army of rodents to try to coax into morphing these three people.


Fortunately they are not any harder to morph than any other humans. And then they can be swapped into clothes (Bella grabbed outfits that were not pajamas for all three of them from their closets; it's implausible for a family to randomly go for a drive at one in the morning in flannel and slippers) and placed in the running car at the top of a hill -


The car veers off the road and runs through the field a while and hits a ditch - hard, but possibly not fatally so....


Hard enough that there's probably not going to be a conspiracy theory about it if this one's head is bashed a bit harder against the window and this one's neck snaps and this one gets a shard to the neck and bleeds out.


And now they can leave town, and talk with their captured Yeerks a few hundred miles east of here in Kansas. Matirin is the only person on this team who has a Leeran morph, so he will morph that while someone else talks to their prisoners. 


<If we don't get anywhere,> he tells Bella on the way <and it seems like we might have with a different approach, I am going to give them amnestics and try again.>

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