elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Consider smiling and saying 'we have you on the really good drugs, don't worry'.>


Smile. "We have you on the really good drugs, don't worry."


Helen laughs weakly.

<...where in the mall?> Odiat wonders suddenly.

"Where in the mall?" relays Helen obligingly.


"I do not know, it has been a very busy day here. I can try to find out for you?"


"Yes please," says Helen.

Odiat doesn't know exactly where the generator is but thinks it was maybe buried when they added the wing with all those restaurants.


He relays this. <I expect that is all we will get. May as well stun her again until the Yeerk's starved, no point in tormenting it.>


And he pulls out a shredder and stuns them both and then they are moved out of the way to try the same trick on the father.


Mr. Lester and Intran are not on nearly as friendly terms as Odiat and Helen or even Efril and Ophelia. Mr. Lester is accordingly not a participant in the conversation and barely pays attention to it. Intran also thinks the generator may be in that part of the mall but seems to consider it likely that the Pool would have been blown up, it being more accessible.


And the friendly nurse -


 - turns blue. <I hear Kandrona starvation is an unpleasant way to die, Yeerk.>


Intran flinches in a way that would be really uncomfortable if Mr. Lester really did have several broken ribs and a concussion.


<We won. The generator is destroyed. The same has been achieved in -> and he lists all the other cities they know have them. Perhaps Intran will know enough to think about an omission? 


Intran was hoping to be reassigned to Portland when they finished building in Portland, damn, probably no chance of that now, everything'll be such a mess -


<The fleet has arrived and defeated your ships. The Yeerk invasion of Earth has failed.>


That seems really sudden and why are they even telling Intran about this?


<We are offering Yeerks mercy. We have many copies of the Escafil device that makes it possible to morph. In place of being killed for your crimes, you can become a creature of your choosing, permanently.>


Hot damn Intran wants to be one of those really neat looking vultures the kind that turns pink if it eats enough bones or whatever. Fuck this human, he's lousy company. "Uh - cool. You have all the Earth animals?"


He nods and the morphing device is brought somewhere where Intran can see it. <We do. The condition is that you tell us, for the historical record, your role in the failed Yeerk invasion of Earth.>


"Uh, I spawned on the Pool ship on the way here and they had me in a Hork-Bajir for awhile but then I got assigned this guy, the wife got me to him, I was supposed to make things convenient for Efril and Odiat and embezzle a little money from his job to funnel to the Sharing."


<Thank you. Animal request? We will keep you in hibernation until we have it ready.>


"I don't remember the name of it, it's a kind of vulture, uh, I never met Visser Three so I don't know how to thoughtspeak what it looked like. There's this kind of vulture."


<We can have a selection of vultures available. Thank you for your cooperation.> Stun.


<Can you actually keep it in hibernation.>

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