elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Your pretense of having the same personality as your adolescent human host is not convincing. You are capable and talented and earned your rank, and you have a significant role in the occupation. But your people resented you, and they betrayed you, and they told us how to find you.>


Um hello this is NOT Ophelia's personality Ophelia is WAY cooler than Efril is playing it right now, come the fuck on, Efril.

(<Oh shut up,> Efril says to Ophelia. Ophelia shuts up.)

Anyway it's way likelier they found out some other way. Efril's people know which side their bread is buttered on. Or at least they were supposed to.


<Some of them even helped us plant evidence that you were working with the Andalites. When we destroy the Kandrona generator, hopefully whatever Yeerks the Visser sends will be too panicked to notice the evidence was planted. You will go down in history as a traitor to your people. They thought it would be a fate that would bother you especially.>


What?! But - what evidence would make it look like that? Efril can't think of anything. Anyway her superiors are very smart and will not... buy... it? ...no they will totally buy it. Fuck. WHO DID THIS.


<We have someone in morph impersonating you for the parts of the evidence-planting that required witnesses. We know things that we could not have known without traitors, and everything will suggest you are the traitor.


I cannot offer you your life. But I can admire talent and potential even when it comes from a filthy Yeerk. If you stop playing dumb with me, we will pick someone else to frame for the assistance in destroying the generator. It is hardly important to us.>


AaaaaaAAAAAAAAUGH. ...Lying Andalites lie! Why would they go to the trouble of reframing their underhanded despicable sabotage? They wouldn't.


He stands there, waits, sends everyone else - <if she doesn't think about anything interesting in the next twenty minutes we should either try a different angle or a different person ->


Efril is trying to figure out which of her subordinates are likely to have betrayed her in this repulsive unYeerklike fashion.


Matirin is sending names of the subordinates who Efril thinks are likeliest to sell her out to someone who can write them down.


Efril doesn't actually think any of them are particularly likely! It was trying very hard to be good at its job. It maybe lorded it over the others a little bit but it thinks this was entirely understandable and certainly working with Andalites is an extreme overreaction such that it would have had anybody it thought capable of such behavior out of their host and someone more cooperative occupying them as soon as possible! It's baffling.


<Decided yet whether you would like your death to be painful and ignominious or quick and clean?>


It's finally starting to dawn on Ophelia that they're actually, like, gonna take her Yeerk. And kill her. She is not sure what she will do without her Yeerk. Like, sure, Efril's kind of a megalomaniacal bitch but Ophelia mostly likes her? What is she going to even do.

Efril is ignoring Ophelia. Efril fears no pain! And does not actually believe that the Andalites will rearrange their dishonorable lies to reward collaboration! That is the kind of trickery that her vile subordinates must have fallen for!


<I do not think we can get any information voluntarily from this one. I do not see an angle of approach to get her to think about the location of the generator ->


<Maybe we should try waking someone in surroundings that look different and telling them the generator has been destroyed, in case that spurs them to think about where it is located.>


Morph for thoughtspeak. <With or without the amnestic?>


<At this point we would have to try it to get anywhere with her; there is no way she would believe it if we tried to orchestrate that now. We also have the other two. And all of them have about sixteen hours left.>


<So, try that tack with the other two and amnestic this one if it doesn't accidentally think it in that time?>


<Sounds about right.> And they begin working on the consoles to get some semblance of an Earth hospital look to the interior of the ship, and they put one of the Yeerks in a hospital bed and wait for the stun to wear off. He stays out of sight, Leeran, now listening to both Yeerks.


Ophelia's mother wakes up first and wonders what happened. She didn't feel sick.


And an Andalite morphed an unremarkable human says "Mrs. Lester? Please don't move your head, we are concerned you have a severe concussion. You're at St. Luke's hospital. Do you remember what happened?"


Helen's Yeerk is kind of spacey and has a tolerable working relationship with Helen. Helen is actually allowed to answer this question herself with only light monitoring to make sure she doesn't suddenly do something stupid. "I, no, I'm afraid I don't. What did happen?"


"There was an explosion today near the 16th Street Mall. A lot of people were killed or injured. You have a few broken ribs and, as I said, a concussion. What is the last thing you do remember?"


"Going to bed. It was Tuesday." Is Odiat okay?

<I'm fine.>

Okay good she has no idea what would happen if Odiat were concussed out of her.


"It is Wednesday around noon." A few hours before Odiat is out of time. "They have not yet determined the cause of the explosion, they are worried it was terrorism or something."


"I don't feel like I have broken ribs."

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