elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<As I said, she requested to be placed in a different refugee colony.>


"With my kid?" he growls.


<I will respect your daughter's preferences about which parent to be placed with.>


"You can't put Ophelia with Helen, she sold us all out to the slugs!"


<If your interpretation of events is correct it is appalling conduct for which she would be executed on my home world. Unfortunately I do not have the resources to investigate and prosecute such claims on a planet currently in the middle of an active Yeerk invasion, so I am going to keep everyone alive who I can and let them interact with other humans unless they presently represent a danger to them.>


"You can't put Ophelia with Helen! Ophelia's fifteen, she's an idiot and fifteen, you can't go 'ah but she wants to go with the parent who put a slug in her head'!"


<You seem very confident that will be her preference.>


"She's got the judgment of scrambled eggs, asking her in the first place is idiotic!"


<Are you afraid that harm will come to her as a consequence of living with her mother?>


"Helen handed us all over to the slugs!"


<I assure you that it will be utterly impossible for her to betray any of you here.>


"Where's my daughter?" he demands.


<I will convey to her your desire to speak with her.>


"That is not what I asked you, alien!"


Okay, now the tail is twitching. <I am War-Prince Matirin-Ashal-Nelinfir, the slugs you resent your wife over are dead by my tail, and I am being accommodating of your rude behavior because you have been through a horrifying experience, but my patience is not going to extend much farther, human.>


"You want me to be polite? Way I see it aliens keep kidnapping me, and my kid to boot! When I meet an alien that doesn't kidnap folks maybe I'll break out the please and thank you!"


<I advise you to phrase your requests in a way that would tempt someone to accommodate them, if you want them accommodated. I do not want anything from you, particularly.>


"My daughter is fifteen years old and that means if I want to see her it's not a request!"


<Well, if it is not a request, it will not be granted. I will have human-edible food items brought to you.> 


"She's my kid, damn it, does that mean anything to your foureyed head?!"


<Yes. It means that if she does not desire to see you something very surprising and troubling is going on, and that if she does desire to see you I will bring her here. Good day.>


"Fucking ET bastard," snarls Mr. Lester, lunging at Matirin with his arms outstretched.


And the flat of the blade of Matirin's tail is pressing him back against the wall. <Bella,> he says, <what is the safest way to incapacitate a human without causing lasting injury>


- morph. <Uh, stun them? Head injuries only work like that in movies.>


He watches Mr. Lester to see if he will calm down now that it has been established that he is not going to punch an Andalite very successfully.

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