elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Did you kill their Yeerks too? Are we a support group now?"


<They joined us because they wanted to help fight Yeerks.>


"...gonna say no thanks to meeting the child soldiers."


<All right. The computers will convey requests to me if you say them out loud.>




He leaves.


Ophelia has no parting remarks.


Yeah, he's going to go consult Bella on all of this.


Bella's sitting with Andi and they are eating cereal.


<Hello,> he says to them, walking over. <Ms. Lester was hoping we'd put her husband's Yeerk back in because she thinks it made him nicer. Mr. Lester thinks his wife cooperated with the Yeerks to deliberately enslave him and wants to do her violence in retaliation. The child has no desire to see either parent.>


"Oh. Well, that's fucked up. Possibly you'll need more than one refugee camp, is that doable?"


<Yes, at the cost of needing more resources and people to supply and secure them, and vague concerns that if they found a way to access a comm they might try to reach outsiders and will require more supervision than your family.>


"Maybe you could construct one site and just divide it up into parts that aren't mutually accessible from the inside? Is it not straightforward to keep them away from the comms?"


<It is, right now, but in general we would want people in the camp to have the means to reach us and detaining people with interests counter to yours is much more resource-intensive than protecting them.>


"Charlie's a cop, he might be able to do some internal organization without the whole thing being as blatantly 'held prisoner by aliens'."


<Good idea. Should I ask him if he would be willing to do that?>


"I can do it, although I'd like a clearer idea of the proposed job description first."


<Run a human refugee camp, possibly a partitioned one, with lots of traumatized humans in it, and handle disputes that arise and let us know what resources are needed?>


"And you can give him a shredder in case he needs to stun people and the ability to shut people up in their rooms and stuff?"


"I'll ask. He's decompressing really well, he can probably handle it. How big are we expecting the place to get how fast?"


<Given our experience with these humans I am inclined to keep it small. If it starts to seem probable we can evacuate some people but cannot save the planet then it would grow quickly, but then we would also have all personnel managing it.>


"These humans are I think atypical for humans but might be fairly standard for Yeerk targets - it seems likely they go after vulnerable people -"


<And seek cooperative hosts where they can, yes.




Collaborating is a very serious crime. I am not sure it is wise to do anything about it but if the man had seemed less - generally violent - and had demanded his wife's life - I would have been hard pressed to pretend I would do any differently, if someone betrayed me in that way.>


"Do you have any more context...?"

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