elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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The corridors are curved, and grass-covered, and there are doors here and there.


Are there windows?


No. Internal doors, and no windows.


She tries doors, after listening at them.


That door opens on another empty room for Andalites to sleep in. 


That one opens on a supply closet.


That one sounds like it might have her father on the other side.


She doesn't open that one. Aren't there any other doors?


This one opens on Matirin, who is watching her on the security screens.


Matirin pulls up the planning program for a fourway-partitioned refugee camp.


She backs slowly out of the room.


Matirin has four eyes including two on stalks has the human not noticed this. But okay. 


Well, she goes back to her room instead of continuing to look for an exit, anyway.


Here is a perfectly adequate refugee-camp-with-four-parts design. It is built into the valley so it looks more 'protected against outsiders' than 'keeps the humans penned in'. The humans can wander as much as they want on the slopes of this mountain, that might help their mood. Humans sleep indoors; there will be indoors sleeping arrangements. 


<Hey,> Bella asks, <did you remember to tell Ophelia she's got a memory gap?>


<She was upset about the Yeerk and wanted space, I was not sure it was the right time. Do you think it is important enough to interrupt her grieving?>


<Not sure but if you leave it longer than a couple days it looks more like you were considering not telling her.>


<Fair. This evening, maybe, or when she contacts us independently to ask something.>


<Yeah, either of those works whichever comes first.>


He considers whether to buy some human building materials for the camp or do it by moving rocks. Building materials will probably make the humans feel more at home.



Ophelia tries the other direction down the hall.


Then she will find the door to outside! It will open on a neat circle of eight Andalite ships on the grass, the sky shimmering slightly because the location is shielded, and a few Andalites out tail-sparring in the center.


She squints at the sky, disconcerted, and affects knowing exactly where she's going as she walks out of the circle between the ships.


<Do not stop her,> he says, so they don't. <Someone morph and follow -> and someone does, as a generic sort of songbird.

They are in Montana somewhere far from any other humans. He is more worried for her than about her, though if she is going to try to betray them all to Yeerks that is useful information.


Are there any gaps in this forcefield? Or like a door?


None are visible. (It's shielding from the outside. She can walk right through it, if she tries that.)

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