elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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He is realizing that. Frustrating. 


Doesn't help that Rick is a nickname.


Eventually he gives up and goes outside to graze for dinner.


The girls are recreationally flying around overhead.


He feels exceptionally lucky to have run into useful humans on the first go.


The useful humans make themselves useful on further operations of a similar nature. It'd be suspicious if all the high-ranking Yeerks died in a row; they have good luck with one second-in-command's host having a hang gliding habit that the Yeerk keeps up - and another host is old enough for a heart attack to be plausible once they figure out how to fake that - but after that they take out Sub-visser Forty-Eight in a staged mugging gone wrong (...it helps that the useful humans know what "Rick" is a nickname for) in the hopes that it'll have all the locations they need. It has most of them. The remaining - well. They can get a Leeran morpher close enough to the last Pool to catch someone who knows the location of the Kandrona generator that way.

(The hang glider guy, Darryl, is a demanding but not violent guest. He wants Internet access, he wants to turn into birds, he wants to tell his sister he's okay, he wants to tell his ex-boyfriend that he didn't actually dump him that was the alien parasite in his head who didn't want the attachment but the real him loves him forever and he should dump that pathetic twink he picked up online, he wants a real kitchen so he can cook real food none of this Pop Tart nonsense, he wants to go shopping for his own clothes and not have to describe what he wants to aliens or teenage girls.

The older lady is placid and quiet and after they've had her for two days she collects an icicle from a tree and manages to commit unceremonious suicide with it.

Rick seems to have been a voluntary host out of sheer "aliens? cool" factor and thinks Andalites are cool too and wants to be friends and ask them a million questions about their planet.)

They're pretty sure they have all the planetside generators located.

Now they can blow them up.

"In some of these places if we call in a bomb threat it'll get civilians evacuated," Bella mentions softly. "It'll give the Yeerks - and the cops for that matter - a chance to look for the bomb, so it's only worth it if we can make them impossible to find - probably a better way to reduce casualties would be to do it all in the middle of the night, at least everything's in the same band of a few time zones -"


The middle of the night makes sense. 


They are stretched very, very thin. He leaves two people behind to keep an eye on the human colony, and assigns two per city, three in a few where there are complications. They debate whether to use explosives they could plausibly have located planetside, and decide not to; there is no chance the simultaneous destruction of every Kandrona generator on Earth will be explained by the Yeerks as anything other than Andalites. 

Bella's in Santa Barbara. Andi's in Port Angeles.

They do not call in bomb threats.


Simultaneity's important. Bella does not warn the night janitor.




They do not actually flee right away. The Yeerks will be expecting Andalite ships, now, and might be able to trace one despite the shielding. The Yeerks will have no chance of finding them in a city of millions. They debated lying low in the cities for a while, but it is not unimaginable that the Yeerks will declare themselves by flattening them. So after the explosions they go seagulls, float out over the ocean, and wait.



The Yeerks do not flatten the cities. They head out to where the ships are hidden in the desert.


Is anyone going to tell the seagulls?


Out of range; the LA and Santa Barbara and San Diego teams are all sharing one ship, because the Andalites don't have enough of them. Everyone will wait for the seagulls at the ship.


Seagulls show up as expected.


<All operations were a success> he says. <Everyone has reported in safe.>


They have human television channels running on the screens in the ship. He takes off - they're not going directly back to Montana, just in case - and they watch the coverage. The newscasters are wondering if it's Al-Qaeda. A half-dozen harried police chiefs, awakened in the middle of the night, say it's too early to tell.


And then -

<Morph something that can fly, abandon ship, autopilot accept new coordinates ->


<What? What happened?>


<Lost the ship from the Rockies, no response from Denver and Salt Lake City teams. They must have started looking, and they must have a way to trace us.> he is mostly a songbird.  The outer door opens; he tumbles through the sky a while before the morph is finished.


<Where are we going?> she asks as her last feathers come in and she finds her wings.


<Nevada. We will use exclusively human communications until we know more. They should not be able to identify the location in Montana from the flight paths - I do not know if they fired prematurely on the ship that we lost, it would make more sense to attempt to follow them - perhaps our crew noticed a tail -> he picks a direction and starts flying that way. <It cannot be that they can cheaply track us, or they'd have been looking just in case even before.>


<Is everybody going to know to rendezvous in Nevada?>


<Everyone knows to go to the nearest human city and send me an email.>


<How much does this complicate keeping the refugees?>


<They should have supplies for a while. If it is unsafe to have any Andalite technology operating, if we have to take down the shielding over the refugee camp - I suppose they could stay out there, they are still vanishingly unlikely to be noticed, it is a small camp. We can operate with only human capabilities and from within human cities, but we cannot keep prisoners under those circumstances.>


<Anything else I ought to know?>


<We should presume the Denver and Salt Lake teams dead. Now that it is known there are Andalites present on Earth we have fairly little to lose by going to the American government. Andi was driving the Port Angeles team up to meet Seattle's: they should be safe and well-equipped to manage in a human city.>

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