elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Twins wait. Neither of them suddenly turns on the other in Yeerkish fashion. They kill time. See some movies. Do some tourist stuff. Try Ethiopian food.


They arrive and fly in through a window. It's enough space. They all test out the unhappy indoor sod and thank Bella sincerely. <We should begin surveillance of the government to see if they are Controllers tomorrow> he says, and assigns targets.


It's hard to get close to the President. Secret Service is easier. The people they are following do not seem to be Yeerks, unless there's a pool in the White House or something. Which there might be, if the President's a Controller.


Andi's got "morphing in small spaces, never fully human all at once" down. And humans have good enough morph endurance that she can, actually, pull an all nighter and be in morph 24 hours a day with breaks to do that in random nooks. If they want her on the president when he's at home and somebody else can watch him while she catches sleep while he's out.


...yep. Worth the risk, at this point.


They start her after they've had a good long chunk of observation time of the President. Bella scouts morphing nooks and ways to get around in the White House as bugs beforehand, then sleeps for the middle eight hours of Andi's twenty-four and is on standby to go in and forcibly wake her if she collapses during the last eight. Andi manages to stay awake. Bella and Andalites take turns.


The President of the United States is not a Controller. The Andalites are deeply relieved and start drawing up plans for how to go talk to him.


"Oh thank fuck," sighs Bella, and she consults as best she can on talking-to-him plans.


Everyone else might still be a Controller so they need a way to talk to him alone. He isn't alone very often.


Well, he doesn't have to be alone so much as potentially willing to interrupt what he's doing for a telepathic conversation. And if he's not willing to do that then addressing him when he's alone would be a problem too since he could call somebody in.


What is likeliest to happen if the President starts hearing voices?


If he tells somebody, he gets diagnosed with something and Bella's not actually sure what happens then, possibly the vice president takes over his duties quietly or less quietly. If he doesn't tell anybody possibly he has a conversation with the voices. The voices are more likely to be credible if they predict phenomena the president can then observe other people noticing and reacting to.


...so how do they do that, without having to do something that draws attention?


Maybe have a mildly unusual or unseasonable animal land on the lawn, nothing that would make news, just enough that it wouldn't be weird for the President to point it out to someone.


So they have Matirin go watch the President in fly morph and someone else morph an owl.


<Mr. President> Matirin says when the President is between meetings. <I apologize for reaching out to you via this discomfiting method of communication, but I have information that you need. This communication is one-way; I cannot hear you if you think back at me. I am an alien from a star eighty-seven lightyears from here and we are secretly present on Earth. If you will look out on the White House lawn an owl will land there in a minute. Once it has done so, will you please arrange to be alone so I can reveal myself?>


The President goes very still. He looks around the room. He asks his secretary if she heard anything. 


And he turns around and watches the White House lawn.


Where an owl lands.


The President asks his secretary to reschedule his next appointment. And he calls his head of security.


The head of security shows up extremely promptly. "Mr. President?"


"I just received a communication via some unknown transmission method. The speaker announced that they were an alien, that an owl was about to land on the White House lawn, and that I should get a room alone so the alien could uncloak. There is, in fact, an owl on the White House lawn."


Yup, that's an owl. The head of security makes a briefly discomfited face.


<Leaning Yeerk> Matirin reports.


"Uncloak," says the head of security, "sir?"


"He didn't clarify."

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