elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"The vice-president, we didn't check him -"


<We didn't. We can, now, but I don't know how we approach it even if he's clear - if everyone surrounding the president's taken it hardly even matters if he is, they can feed him whatever they want. Or kill him if he looks liable to do anything sufficiently inconvenient.>


"If we had shredders - we don't have - ugh - does anybody who's not a Controller know what happened and make it out alive -"


<I doubt it but we can check.>


"What's the story, some agent was a nutcase and shot a bunch of people for unclear reasons -?"


They turn on the television. 


Someone snuck into the White House and killed the President, the First Lady, an ambassador, and a lot of Secret Service agents who were trying to protect the aforementioned. Apparently.


<The worst case scenario for this was 'Yeerks decide to rip away the facade.' In some sense it is good they are still maintaining it.>


"Or they're controlling how the news breaks and next week the new President goes on TV and tells everyone about Our Friends The Yeerks."


<That is also a possibility.>


"Possibly we should get out of the country, try another one."


<Possibly I should figure out how to credibly signal to the Yeerks that if it looks like they're winning I will kill all their toys.>


"Bit of a hard thing to signal."


<Yep. How would we travel to another country?>


"Steal a boat, possibly, Canada's not far enough - how long can you manage eating in morph exclusively?"


<A few weeks, depending on how comparable the nutritional needs...>


"Might be long enough but I don't know how fast boats that can cross the ocean are these days - none of us know how to fly an airplane -"


<I doubt it is conveniently similar to piloting a starship. We will keep our heads down while the Yeerks panic, see how they spin this, move in a few days.>


<Do you want to talk through a postmortem now - do you think we will forget any lessons from this debacle if we wait ->


"I don't think we're liable to forget anything but I can also do the postmortem now."


<I erred in concluding that there was no pool in DC and thus a bound on how many of the president's operatives could be Yeerks. I erred in assuming that the Yeerks would have infested the president if they could have and that his safety was evidence that there were some trustworthy people around him. I erred in not abandoning the mission once it became obvious he was surrounded by Controllers - they would probably have infested him at that point, but pushing them to the point of panic risked worse. That is the big picture - what else ->


"Should maybe have had another person onsite to follow the guy who shot the First Lady instead of letting him run off."


Tail-nod. <Should have done the screening for everyone which we did for the president, even though it was exhausting.>


Andi whimpers quietly.

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