elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Do you need anything?> he asks her. 


Headshake. "Just it was really exhausting."


<Should have found a manner less reliant on you of checking the others.>


"That didn't lead to any disasters though I didn't fuck it up."


<You did amazingly well.>


"But if we'd spread it out more we would probably have thought to apply the protocol to more people whereas there was no way we were going to have you do that dozens of times over weeks," Bella explains to Andi.


<I am trying to determine what I should have done differerntly. Everyone else did exactly as instructed, this is not a case where blame is shared.>


"I don't know if it would have actually gone better but we could have started smaller with a governor or something, vanishingly unlikely they have all fifty of them, could have gotten their help getting a better secured meeting..."


<Considered it before we found you; the process to get meetings with the president is slow moving. It might still have been worth it.>


Pacing. <Could have shut down all electronics in the White House. Would have made it harder to make the already-difficult case we were not hostile, but would have prevented Controllers from coordinating.>


"Would it? We still don't know where Visser Three tends to hang out and if he's nearby he could have coordinated them all by thoughtspeak."


<I think he would have found a confrontation irresistible. But perhaps not.>



Bella can't think of anything else.


If he thinks of more things, he does not share them. He paces. They watch the news.


The girls sleep. They bring everybody takeout. It'd probably be conspicuous to order more sod at this point.


Probably. The news coverage is about nothing but the assassination of the President for several days.  


Well, except for the ticker thing at the bottom of the screen, encapsulating in brief sentence fragments what they won't spare faces and voices to discuss. Progress of warfare in the Middle East. Recall of defective car part. Protest of construction across Native American site. Crackdown on drug trafficking. Unusually well-documented UFO sighting in Australia.


That last one. Can they maybe find more information about that last one.


It's hard to come by on TV but the Internet has pictures!


<Those are Andalite ships.>


<It is too soon for the main fleet, and likely to be a faction that splintered off of ours. The presence of more foes of the Yeerks is always good. 


...they must not know the Yeerks can track our ships - they have presumably learned by now...>


"...we can't take a bus to Australia. We could stow away in a plane cargo hold? I don't know how much room to expect there to be in one of those, don't know how you'd do standing up all the time in an aircraft..."

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