elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Three months. If I talk to you and you aren't audibly talking to me, any passersby who notice will think that's really weird. It'll probably take you a while to train away your accent and that would attract attention too, but you can minimize the weird by asking mostly yes-or-no questions so I can go mm-hm or mm-mm as appropriate."


<Thank you. I can see why Matirin felt lucky to have encountered you. Does he have more than ten human recruits?>


<Does he have more than forty people, in total?>


<Do you have backup here?>


<Are they coming with us?>


"Mm-mm." Andi's hanging back in Sydney.


Sigh. <That is probably for the best. 


Matirin here?>


<Were the Yeerks already able to see through our shielding when you made contact with Andalites?>


So he had some time to operate in secretly. He hopes Matirin put it to good use.


He doesn't have further questions. On the outskirts of Sydney there is a warehouse with the door falling off its hinges. He undresses, remorphs, dresses, keeps going.


Three hours later they are walking through some nondescript desert and suddenly they are in a stadium-sized dome with lush, purplish grass underfoot, clearly alien ecology, and a few dozen other Andalites watching curiously.


He undresses. He demorphs.


"Thanks. Nice place."


<Matirin has not shown you theirs?>


"I don't think they have one, not like this, or if they do they never landed it. They've been eating Earth grass."


Oh, good, so Matirin's spent several months grieving his dead father and dead soldiers in horrifying claustophobic conditions while eating inadequate food. What semblance of good judgment he could ever be said to be possessed with has to be entirely absent. 

He does not say this. Instead he says <this is the Dome of the Dome ship. They had one; they must not have landed it, or perhaps it was lost in the fighting. I am going to introduce you now to my commander; is that all right?>


And he walks with her across the grass and bows and says <Nikki, this is War-Prince Nahar-Astal-Nerefir.>


<Hello> Nerefir says. <Matirin is recruiting humans? How is that going?>


"I think I've worked out pretty well."


<Can you give me a summary of how you met them, what you have been doing for them, and what you know of their capabilities?>


"Yes, but you're not going to like some of it."


<Matirin and I have some differences in priorities. I assure you that I will not blame a human for conveying to me news of any of his decisions.>

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