elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Okay. So, he abducted a bunch of humans to learn things about human culture, including my sister and myself. She woke up first but asked for me when she figured out what they wanted since 'explaining humans to aliens' is more my skillset. When Matirin started asking about organizations that could be cover for Yeerks I figured out that the Sharing is such an organization and that they had my father. I didn't fancy having my memory modified and going back to my father's Yeerk's periodic attempts to recruit me so I offered my ongoing human-explainer services instead and came up with a way to make his rescue look like a host-rebellion suicide - incidentally, if you give an animal morphing power and expose it to one acquisition it will successfully complete the morph long enough to be stunned about one time in twelve - and my sister and I arranged to look like we'd run away from home and we've been working for Matirin since then. After we had a way to commit suicide on short notice set up - kindly don't freak out. Talik morph-capabled the both of us."


Nerefir's tail lashes but he otherwise does not react.


Finleran laughs. <I wish I were more surprised.>


"And it works out pretty well because humans have three, four times Andalite morph endurance, and my sister's an estreen, and I'm immune to morph instinct problems."


<I see> Nerefir manages. <You realize what a target it makes you - if they get you they will never, ever, ever let you die...>


"This is why I turned Talik down when he offered before we had the suicide capsules," she says softly.


<Not a perfect guarantee.>




<All right. So Matirin made some humans morph-capable, and then what?>


"Scoped out some Sharing chapters. Found a lot of pools, figured out where the generators were. Blew them up all at once and then the Yeerks knew to be on the lookout, had to abandon ship, made our way to the capital of the United States. Tailed the President. He wasn't a Controller but a lot of his security were and the op went pear-shaped and he's been assassinated. Then you were sighted here and Matirin sent me and my sister to contact you because it'd be hard for an Andalite to stow away on a plane."


<All right. Thank you. Finleran said you were all right with remaining here for three days?>


"Yes. My sister noted which direction I was going and will swing by to check on me in that time, but Finleran said you can get me food and I don't mind staying put."


<We can get you food. What else do humans need to be comfortable?>


"Place to sleep. On the grass is fine, I wouldn't expect you to have beds handy. How are you going to get me food?"


<Now that we have the necessary accessories we can visit the city in human morph, and will do so in rotations. As far as we can determine there are no Yeerks here - the response time when we were sighted was over a local hour, that is suggestive of no local resources - so we can take some chances while figuring out how to relocate.>


"I suppose I can teach you to perform transactions well enough that you can go grocery shopping. My sister's holding most of the cash."


<Do you have lectures prepared on how to act human?>


"I couldn't bring notes along so I'll be reconstructing it, but I can tell you plenty of stuff, yeah."


<Then at your convenience I think we will begin with that.>



And Bella launches into Humans 101.


The Andalites gather around to listen.


Bella's pretty good at Humans 101. She also warns them about the taste thing.


They appreciate being forewarned, new strong senses sounds dangerous. They morph human and practice talking. They are mostly male humans, two female humans.


Bella corrects their accents, notes that the outfits she got are unisex but missing an extra garment associated with certain female secondary sex characteristics, etcetera.


The female humans have noticed the secondary sex characteristic and might go smaller on those, they make it hard to run around. Everyone's accents require a lot of correcting.


The garments help with that but they're hard to fit accurately, going smaller's a good plan, plenty of natural population variance. "- Oh, and also, I don't have a local accent, if you borrow all my pronunciation you'll sound American. We're mutually intelligible with Australians but it is noticeable."

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