elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"Ten minutes more, but I can find somewhere. Where. Air. And then spend another hour here before I should head home."


"Okay -" She finds a handicapped-accessible single-occupancy bathroom in the recesses of the library for him.


And he demorphs and paces anxiously a bit before morphing human again and going with her to find her sister.


Her sister is at the hotel and may be called Jennifer - "Incidentally these aren't our real names, we're trying not to be in the habit of using those just in case," Bella says - and comes along grocery shopping so it goes faster and laments that they can't find any Pop Tarts and rolls her eyes at the Controller check but doesn't complain aloud. She and Bella reapportion their cash and Bella assigns her to figure out Western Union or something with Matirin and then Bella and Finleran and three days of groceries for one person plus some for sharing to see the looks on their faces hike back out of Sydney.


"Thank you for your help. Puh. Puh. Hel-puh."


Walk walk walk. His human morph's skin burns but this is of course fixed by demorphing and remorphing.


"Matirin told me you were just obfuscating for email interception and I could ask you to fill me in."


<Email interception and the desire not to speak ill of the dead, so if I have his leave ->


<We are not here with the permission of the Andalite High Command. They favor waiting for the Yeerks to sink more resources here and then destroying the planet. There were - two factions who disagreed with that, Nerefir's and Firayar's - Firayar is Matirin's father. Firayar is brilliant but - proud, arrogant, paranoid, deeply insecure - and he decided he would rather arrive on Earth with one faction loyal to him than with two. Matirin gave us the wrong coordinates. Matirin gave us dangerously wrong coordinates.


If - if they'd been picked at random it is vanishingly implausible they'd have left the ships as close to a black hole as they did, most of space is just space. Not impossible. Just like it is not impossible that Matirin himself was misled. But a lot of our people are needlessly dead and we are here later and weaker than we should have been and we need to know if he permitted that to happen.>


<Did he undersell it? He does that.>


"I didn't actually know about this at all. It seems out of character for Matirin to prefer a smaller force but I don't really know, I guess."


<Nor do I. And I need to.



I don't even know if Yeerks can - be selective ->


"No idea. Might be able to ask the ex-Controllers in case any of them know."


Walk walk walk. <It is probably worth asking.>


"My dad's didn't talk to him much but there's a couple former voluntary hosts whose Yeerks might've been chattier."


"There's six billion of us and some of 'em are weird or vulnerable."


"I intended no insult to your species. I appreciated your help today with your computers."


"How could Andalites travel from Matirin's position to here, or vice versa?"


"Tricky. That's why we're here without them. We stowed away on a plane but that involves slightly more than an entire day shut up in a cargo hold, and we're smaller and can comfortably occupy a wider variety of positions than you can. I imagine there must be boats that make the trip but they'd take even longer."


"I have been assuming it's to our advantage to be working together but perhaps detached units that cannot reliably report on the other is actually better."


"Could have some advantages, yeah."


Walk walk walk.


"You have been working with them for a few months, do you have thoughts?"

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