elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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Andi hands him a Cadbury bar.


It is pretty fantastic. He blissfully nibbles and doesn't think about the war.


And eventually they land.


And they go out, and find somewhere tucked away to morph, and fly to meet up with the other Andalites.


Who are glad to see them back. The sod has all died. They have gleaned from the media that the Yeerks killed a lot of Controllers whose Yeerks they could no longer house, seem to have let some go free under threat, and vanished an awful lot of people, most of whom are now assumed to have died in the bombings. California, hit by five attacks, has imposed curfews and martial law. The Montana crowd is safe. 


Matirin and Finleran have a long, silent conversation.


"Can you eat hay?" Bella wonders of a less occupied Andalite. "I could get some hay, it would be, like, alfalfa intended for rabbits but if it would be better than nothing nutritionally..."


They can at least try it: worst outcome would be that they can't eat it.


So she goes out and brings back a bag each of alfalfa and timothy hay, because apparently guinea pigs eat timothy hay and maybe there are important hay differences?


This: better than trying to live off eating in morph!


Okay, if there is a clear consensus on desired hay ratios she can go get more then.


They debate that for a while. They've been sneaking outside the city at night, two morphs out two morphs back, you can get a few hundred miles away and then sleep beneath the stars. They are coping.


Yep. Matirin asks her for a trip debrief later.


Which she provides - and she forgot to ask Finleran for an explanation of the political spectrum quiz -


<Comparing respective tipping points at which we'd conclude it's better to kill everyone on Earth.>


"What'd the scores mean?"


<I am unwilling to let the Yeerks leave Earth with a million slaves, mostly because that'd be enough, especially given the human reproduction rate, to overwhelm the rest of the galaxy. Nerefir communicates he won't take actions intended to cause the death of non-Controller innocents.>


"Innocent collateral is innocent collateral whether there's a slug in it yet or not."


<Yes, but we do not want a situation where we are less willing to act against Yeerks the more slaves they have, so the laws all provide for ignoring collateral damage to Yeerk hosts.>


"Yeah, I'm not saying hesitate to kill Controllers, I'm saying that's a stupid place to stop."


<I agree. Once it is - once it is established that I did not knowingly murder thousands of my own people out of petty spite I will discuss the question with him.>


<And on that topic we need a Yeerk.>


"Logistically much harder now. If they're smart they're in frequent enough contact to make it hard to extract one the way we did before."

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