elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Is there a model of an airplane cargo hold accessible on the internet somewhere ->


"Maybe..." Not easily located, though. "They have to fill it with a lot of things of irregular unpredictable sizes so I would expect there to be enough room somewhere for us to be briefly human even if it was more comfortable to be in morph most of the flight, but maybe not enough room for you to be briefly Andalite. ...Do we even know where in Australia..."


<We do not, and they will be by necessity very careful, but there are Andalite protocols for a rendezvous under those circumstances. They should have someone at the most famous landmark out of the three largest cities, defaulting to the second-largest if it's ambiguous on the continent at sunset every day. If they are trying to make contact with us, which they may not. There are some ancient resentments there.>


"So the Sydney Opera House. If they want to be found at all. It'll be crowded, how do we recognize them?"


<Northernmost point from which the landmark can be seen in local sapient morph.>


"That assumes they're able to get humans to acquire handicapped by the Yeerks tracking them, is that a safe assumption?"


<Even if they have not acquired human morphs, that is where I would expect to find them.>


"Okay. I should find the shortest flight, it's a long way and we won't have a way to get water in there unless we pick a flight where someone's bringing a dog or something... we'll need a way to bring a timepiece into the cargo hold if we're not bringing any Andalites and might want to stay morphed, one that lights up, could sneak it into a suitcase before we board maybe..." She starts looking for flights.


He paces. <They may react badly to humans having been given the morph technology.>


"I assumed so. What do you recommend doing about that?"


<If you can ask who has the command before you reveal much about our activities, that would be helpful.>


"And respond how based on what answers?"


<If they are commanded by the War-Prince Nelinfir or Finleran then you should inform them of my father's death and then expect a muted reaction on everything else. If it is anyone else I would not tell them you can morph.>


"Pretend to be nonmorphing human recruits or something?"


<Yes. They have a grievance with me but I do not think will hold it against you.>


"And we give them your email address so you can coordinate and give them some passing-for-human pointers and come back?"



And Bella eventually locates a flight that will get to Sydney in minimal time. Drops a watch and some cash to exchange in Australia on the tarmac. She and Andi manage to squirrel it into the cargo hold with them.

They have a boring uncomfortable flight.

They get their money changed. It's summer in Australia, so as soon as they buy flipflops ("thongs") they don't look too out of place and can go wolf down an assortment of McDonald's.

They find the opera house. They go north. They identify the place they should expect someone at sunset, they go get more food. Bella waits there; Andi waits nearby, a seagull.



There are no humans there waiting for them. There are some seagulls.


"Hello seagulls," says Bella.


It is still possible that these are Controllers. The seagulls - seagull. A bit warily. Then they fly off.



And then they say <Identify yourselves.>


"Regular people do sometimes talk to animals, you'll wanna watch out for that - I thought I was going to have continue on a bit, all 'are you enjoying being seagulls today' - Matirin sent me, you can call me Nikki."


<Matirin presumably gave you the means to prove that?>


"I might get a digit wrong, he didn't want it written down -" She recites a security code.



<Where are they and how can we establish unmonitored communications?>

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