elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Todd will also be enslaved by Yeerks, sir.>


They go to the conference room. "Todd," says the President, "can you make sure the ambassador's been notified of the room change?"


Todd reaches for his radio to do that.


"I meant 'go and tell him', son, he's just down the hall."


"I will stand in the doorway and wave at you so you can verify I have not been snatched by aliens."



Todd goes out to notify the ambassador.


He slips out of the president's pocket and demorphs inside the empty room while the president is standing at the door.


The ambassador is confused, the President's secretary just said the meeting was rescheduled.


Well there's been a change of plans, Todd apologizes for the confusion.


Done morphing. He stands behind the door and waits.


The President steps back into the room and sees him and manages to restrain his reaction to taking several steps back and blinking rapidly.


<I am friendly> he says. <You need to act quickly; the Yeerks will have notified Yeerk friends.>


Here's Todd trailing an ambassador.


The door closes behind them. <Hello> he says. <I apologize for interrupting. Mr. President, you need to ensure both Yeerks do not contact their brethren.>


Todd goes for his gun.


All of the bones in Todd's hand are broken due to blunt force trauma. Cutting the hand off is actually less dangerous - it's going to be a loss anyway - but will freak out his audience more. <Mr. President ->


He boggles for a second. Then he steps out into the hallway. "I need someone to arrest my chief of security and check records for everyone he's spoken to in the last five minutes."


Some security people in the hallway blink and nod and go looking for Jim.


"He's in the Oval Office." And back into the room, with a very confused ambassador and Todd and the alien.


The ambassador is extremely alarmed. Todd is cradling his hand - and then he dives for the gun with the uninjured one -


And all of the bones in that one'll be smashed too, Matirin is an Andalite War-Prince with three dead brothers and a dead father to avenge and it is very satisfying to actually get to use his tail at things again.

<Mr. President, the Yeerks are carrying out a secret invasion of Earth. It is absolutely vital that they have incentives to keep it a secret invasion; a public one would be much uglier. They are currently reeling from the destruction of all their major supply bases on Earth - the Western seaboard explosions last week - but I think it is unwise to go on television and tell the American people that they are at war. What you should do in my estimation is identify the Yeerks on your security staff, announce new anti-terrorism protocols that will make it impossible for Yeerks to infiltrate said staff, and then play along with the pretense. But you need advice from more people than me, which means you need a way to identify who you can trust right now.>


"I don't trust you," he says distractedly to Matirin. "Don't trust these guys either, though. Can you prove the alien slug thing -"


<I can starve it out of him, but it could take up to three days. Do you have a secure place you can go, where you would not be expected, and where it would be obvious if the Yeerks were secretly leaving to feed every three days? Some kind of bunker for the case of war?>


"Yes, I do. You're not invited."

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