elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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<Bella, do you think it is best to travel by human transit or in morph?>


<Impractical for Andalites to demorph often enough traveling by human transit. Not enough room for you in an airplane or train bathroom.>


<In that case we will stay here one more night so everyone is sufficiently rested, and head out tomorrow.>


<Andi and I can go ahead by plane if that seems like a good idea.>


<It would be useful if we could already have clothes and a place with some grass when we arrive, would that be possible?>


<Securing a grassy area sufficiently would be... hard. Might be able to get sod and a tarp and set it up in a hotel, will that do?>


<That seems like a better solution, yes.> Did that have a tone of voice other than blandly neutral? It might have. Hard to identify it, though.


<...If you get a sufficiently good reception from the President maybe the Secret Service will shoo bystanders and you can go on the White House lawn?>


<There is no evidence that lack of access to preferred environments impedes Andalite function.>


<What do you need to get on an airplane?>


<Tickets - we'd actually need ID too - bus bypasses that requirement.>


<We no longer have the means to convincingly fabricate human identifying documents.>


<Yeah. So, bus tickets.>


<What do you need for that?>


<We can do it online. I'll email Andi and we'll coordinate.>


<All right. Inform me of the schedule and of any potential complications once you have a plan.>


<Will do.>

She gets ahold of Andi. They get bus tickets and a plan to meet up and a hotel room close to the White House. She relays the details to Matirin.


And he asks questions about various contingencies - what if they can't reach anyone once they're there, what if she can't meet up with her sister, what if she meets her sister but something seems off...


If they don't hear from Andalites as quickly as expected they could go to the President themselves on the strength of morphing plus thoughtspeak alone. If one but not both girls makes it, tell the Andalites, failing that same deal. If Andi seems off... Bella's not actually sure how to concoct a plan for that one without a shredder so she can stun her and keep her in a hotel room for three days.


Regrettably they do not have any shredders. Bella should warn them all, at least, and suggest they sleep separately and not tell eachother where.


Okay. Plans are revised for this.


<Good fortune.>




And Bella gets on the bus. She has some cash for incidentals, a book from the bus station store, it's a long boring trip.

Andi does not seem off on arrival. They report in. Bella gets a tarp and some sod and has a bit of a job hauling them up to the hotel room but manages it.


They are a few days out; they can only morph four times a day and need suitably hidden places to rest the rest of the time.

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