elf!Andalites & Butterfly
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"I can't recommend being alone at the behest of an unknown transmission, Mr. President."


"Yes, agreed. Can you - look for sources, I'm not sure - I don't suppose the owl is secretly an alien robot -"


He instructs the owl to fly off, its purpose having been served.


The security guy calls in another security guy and they start searching the room. Thoroughly. For... bugs.


They can't pretend to be searching for the moving kind of bug, so after they've searched one area the moving kind of bug will move over there. <Mr. President> he says, <the reason we are here in secret is because Earth is the site of a proxy war between two races of aliens. The Yeerks are parasitic slugs about the size of your palm. They can enter the brain through the ear canal and control someone, reading their thoughts and memories and using them to impersonate that person.>


The President stands still and looks unhappy and does not relay this.


Heeeeeere bugsbugsbugs.


<We are fairly confident that some people in your administration are under Yeerk control, including your head of security. This is very straightforwardly tested: announce you have decided to listen after all and that they should stop their search. Your people will listen. Yeerk slaves probably will not. You need not actually be alone with me; just give the order and see if it's followed.>


"Actually, Jim, I changed my mind," he says to the chief of security. "Any alien who can travel invisibly, or whatever they're doing, could clearly do harm if they wanted. They want to meet me, that's fine."


"Sir, if it asked you to be alone, it seems reasonable to assume that this would benefit it in some way," argues Jim.


"Sure, but if it were hostile, it could just have killed everyone else in the room."


"Maybe, maybe not," says Jim, "we don't know anything about its limitations or capabilities."


"No, we don't. But if they are such that we're doomed if I'm alone in a room with it, we're doomed, Jim. Get me a room where we won't be interrupted."


"Mr. President," says Jim, still scanning the room urgently for bugs, "my job is your safety and I do not think following the instructions of an unknown agent with no witnesses is in the interest of that safety."


<That is a Yeerk enslaving your head of security, Mr. President.>


"I'm your commander in chief, Jim. I appreciate your advice, and I've considered it, and I have decided what I'm going to do."


"With all due respect, sir, if there are potentially alien threats in the vicinity and they're speaking to you I have to consider you potentially compromised in your own right."


"I don't think we have a procedure for alien threats in the vicinity, and that sounds like an outright stupid one."


Where is the fucking bug -


Gnats are really good at hiding, and it's a big room. Still. He waits until their backs are turned and then makes for the pocket of the president's suit.

<Sir, I can extract the Yeerk and prove the truth of my claims but uncloaking takes some time during which I would be vulnerable to them shooting me. You need to come up with a lie that will get you a few minutes alone.>


"I have an appointment in a minute, Jim, do you want me to hold it somewhere other than the Oval Office while you're combing it over?"


"- your appointment with the ambassador or with the alien, Mr. President?"


"The ambassador, of course, it's just good tactics to make the alien wait even if I do decide to see him eventually."


Slight relaxation. "I recommend bringing Todd with you and relocating to -" He names another plausible meeting room.


"Sure," says the President cheerily. 

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